view TODO @ 469:e0b11d684ee8

Reference gameboard.level rather than game.level where appropriate. Saving and restoring games appears to largely work now (even if the level of the restored game is different to the current one).
author Simon Cross <>
date Tue, 24 Nov 2009 22:19:53 +0000
parents 25f7d4824250
children 30a581e63a3a
line wrap: on
line source

== TODO ==


* Add invalid cursor sprite

* <confluence> We should have text images instead of buttons (in the various menus and toolbars).

* Persistent high scores 

* Better fox move logic
  - Tweak weighting of free chickens
  - Foxes should eat the chickens immediately when they move onto the
    occupied square - avoid the fox drawn on top of chicken thing.

* More game levels / progression of difficulty

* Improve performance when many foxes or chickens

* Improve Fullscreen mode (on the fly scaling)

* Investigate using infinity symbol instead of dash for unlimited mode

== ISSUES ==

23:26 <@Derakon> Jerith:
23:26 <@Derakon> That's with the OSX .dmg.

From the pastebin URL above: """
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _pthread_cond_init$UNIX2003
  Referenced from: /Volumes/Operation Fox Assault/Operation Fox
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

dyld: Symbol not found: _pthread_cond_init$UNIX2003
  Referenced from: /Volumes/Operation Fox Assault/Operation Fox
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

Sep  7 14:25:21 Kleine crashdump[402]: Operation Fox Assault crashed
Sep  7 14:25:21 Kleine crashdump[402]: crash report written to: /Users/chriswei/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Operation Fox Assault.crash.log

pygame event queue full bug.
Sep 10 22:01: <eltigre> one IndexError and one pygame event overflow
Sep 10 23:15: <eltigre> Hodgestar, jerith :

From pastebin:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 4, in <module>
  File "/home/andi/projekte/pyweek/Rinkhals/foxassault-1.0.0/gamelib/", line 38, in main, screen)
  File "/home/andi/projekte/pyweek/Rinkhals/foxassault-1.0.0/pgu/", line 104, in run
  File "/home/andi/projekte/pyweek/Rinkhals/foxassault-1.0.0/pgu/", line 123, in loop
    if self.fnc('event',e): return
  File "/home/andi/projekte/pyweek/Rinkhals/foxassault-1.0.0/pgu/", line 79, in fnc
    if v != None: r = f(v)
  File "/home/andi/projekte/pyweek/Rinkhals/foxassault-1.0.0/gamelib/", line 229, in event
pygame.error: Event queue full
 - r370 disables timer events while processing the fox movements and
   chicken attacks. This should make this bug harder to trigger.

Leaking weakref objects bug (reported by tumbleweed):
 - this is probably


Farmer's weekly (daily?) -- egg/chicken/fox report thing. (Yay Marc!)

23:41 <@Derakon> The instructions could also be more detailed, but the game's pretty intuitive once you realize that it's not realtime.
00:03 < Rhamphoryncus> hrm.  Instructions need work.. yup, that got said, heh

00:10 <@Derakon> An auto-repair fences command would be handy.
00:12 <@Derakon> Man, fence repair is nuking my budget.
00:13 <@AnnoDomini> Fences made of wood are overrated.
00:13 <@AnnoDomini> I make a fence of elite fighting fowl.
00:13  * Derakon nods.
00:15 <@Derakon> Suddenly the game gets much easier~

00:28 <@Derakon> I want a faster way to sell eggs. ._.
00:29 <@Derakon> Some way to say "Keep enough eggs to mature the maximum number of chickens as quickly as possible; sell the rest."
00:33 <@jerith> Derakon: Superfluous eggs autosell.
00:34 <@jerith> A chicken lays some number of eggs. On of those eggs will hatch, the rest will sell.
00:34 <@Derakon> Oooh.
00:34 <@Derakon> Okay, then I can stop bothering to click so much. Thanks.

00:38 <@AnnoDomini> Needs an 'evict all' button.

00:40 <@Derakon> And a way to drag-clear trees, drag-sell chickens (or auto-sell naked outdoor chickens).
00:42 <@Derakon> So...much...clicking... ;.;

00:50 <@AnnoDomini>

01:19 < Rhamphoryncus> Do you know what watch towers are for?
01:20 <@Derakon> I think the watchtowers might make riflehens more effective somehow.
01:20 <@Derakon> Or maybe they're bunkers.

01:24 < Rhamphoryncus> And I have no idea what my income is from
01:24 <@Derakon> Killing foxes and selling stuff.
01:25 < Rhamphoryncus> I have spare room around my  henhouses, so autosell isn't happening.  It must be from killing foxes
01:27 <@AnnoDomini> Rhamphoryncus: I expect you get eggs sold. Hens lay eggs every turn, but incubate for two. So you get N*5 cash for each hen in a henhouse/hendominium per turn.

01:31 < Rhamphoryncus> It seems like, long term, you want to pack hendominiums in with no space around them
01:32 < Rhamphoryncus> As you fill a grid like that you'll still have exposed edges, producing tons of chickens
01:32 <@AnnoDomini> Aren't overflow chickens autokilled, rather the eggs never hatching and being sold?
01:33 <@Derakon> No idea.
01:33 <@AnnoDomini> That's what I read in the instructions.
01:33 < Rhamphoryncus> I thought they were autosold.  I may have been confusing with the egg autosell though
01:33 <@AnnoDomini> Eggs autosell if there's no room. Chickens die.

05:41 <@Derakon> 2x2 pods of knifehens are almost invincible.
05:57 <@Derakon> Oh, hey, the 2x2 pod of knifehens is not invulnerable. The foxes finally killed one after losing some 1500 of their own.

05:45  * Vornicus-Latens thinks this game needs less shouty graphics.

08:37 < Rhamphoryncus> jerith: feature request: automatically switch to an offset breeding schedule.  IOW, a henhouse should only do 3/day and a hendemonium should only do 6/day

08:50 < Rhamphoryncus> and if I go and sell an egg in a henhouse/hendominium, is it supposed to take multiple clicks?
[ed: He didn't know it was multiple eggs.]

09:12 < Reivthia> Jerith: UI improvement: *Please* let us click&drag.
09:12 < Reivthia> I want to be able to not have to click every single chicken/tree seperately when I have five thousand cash :P

09:12 < Rhamphoryncus> My huts get ignored
09:12 < Reivthia> Rham: I thought mine were too, until they got occasionally pounced.
09:12 < Reivthia> Very, very occasionally

And here's me rapid-fire rambling at #ctpug after finishing my first long game. (Unedited.)

20:34 < jerith> Nitwit: Had some ideas while playing just now.
20:34 <&Nitwit> ?
20:35 < jerith> I want a "sell all naked outdoor chickens" button.
20:35 < jerith> And a "sell all superfluous eggs" button.
20:35 < jerith> Also, chickens should hatch into squares at the corners of the henhouses.
20:36 <&Nitwit> We're either going to have to expand the game window, or somehow compress the other menu options
20:37 < superfly> Nitwit: use a smaller font?
20:37 -!- confluence [] has joined #ctpug
20:37 -!- mode/#ctpug [+ao confluence confluence] by ChanServ
20:37 < jerith> I'd be happy with an "advanced" menu.
20:37 < jerith> Hey confluence.
20:37 <&Nitwit> I've been toying with the idea of unifying the buildings into a "buy building" button and "select building" dialog - that will free up a couple of 
                buttons & give us space to put building prices
20:37 <&confluence> Hello
20:37 < jerith> Also, we need to do a proper toolbar thing.
20:37 < jerith> That will save us space.
20:37 < jerith> Nitwit: That also works.
20:38 <&Nitwit> I don't want to do the same for equipment though, as I find I use those buttons much more often
20:38 < jerith> If possible, I'd like to make the "right click cancels current thing" global.
20:39 < jerith> Oh, there's a cursor display bug when moving chickens into and out of buildings.
20:39 < jerith> Also when deslecting a chicken to move.
20:40 < jerith> Then there are some nice-to-haves.
20:41 < jerith> Generating the gameboard instead of using a template.
20:41 < jerith> Being able to select groups of chickens to work with.
20:41 < jerith> Possibly even customisable ones.
20:41 < jerith> That makes no sense outside my head.
20:42 < jerith> Okay, two things.
20:42 <&Nitwit> I like the idea of being able to have pre-determined maps 
20:42 < jerith> Select a group of chickens and say "put these over there".
20:42 < jerith> Also, select a group of chickens and say "these are soldiers, re-equip them every turn if necessary".
20:43 < jerith> So chicken classes, in other words.
20:44 < jerith> If you sell a chicken with eggs, are you supposed to get paid out for the eggs too?
20:44 < jerith> I think I tried it and didn't.
20:44 < jerith> But I could be wrong.
20:45 < jerith> We need some settings -- sound on/off at the least.
20:45 < jerith> Why is resizing things in Windows a problem, by the way?
20:46 < jerith> I seem to be throwing stuff into this channel at an alarming rate. Remind me to look at the logs when I have a moment or three.
20:46 <&Nitwit> jerith: Not getting the money for the eggs probably a bug 
20:47 < jerith> Wishlist for buildings: opening a building opens a dialog you can move around with little chicken slots in it.
20:48 < jerith> That'll be hard in pgu, though.
20:49 < jerith> We need some harder foxes.
20:49 < jerith> Maybe foxes that hit harder and/or are tougher.
20:49 < jerith> We can have them triggered by the killed foxes count.
20:49 < jerith> Thus, you get harder baddies as you get better at killing baddies.
20:50 < jerith> Saving and loading games would be great, especially for the longer games.
20:51 < jerith> Also different game scenarios -- one where you start off with lots of money and only a week, but foxes come faster, for example.
20:51 < jerith> And alternate win conditions, as confluence mentioned.
20:52 < jerith> Maybe reachaing a certain cash level.
20:52 < jerith> Also bigger game boards once we can scroll, although that getts difficult in night mode.
20:52 < jerith> Forests should give foxes a stealth bonus.