view gamelib/ @ 448:92e7a641b4a6

added units to price list
author Adrianna Pińska <>
date Sat, 21 Nov 2009 20:02:33 +0000
parents e945c4186ee5
children b74b3a37cf1d
line wrap: on
line source

"""Classes for various buildings in the game."""

from pgu.vid import Sprite
from pygame.locals import SRCALPHA
import pygame

import imagecache
import tiles
import constants
import serializer

# ignore os.popen3 warning generated by pygame.font.SysFont
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "os.popen3 is deprecated.")

class Place(serializer.Simplifiable):
    """Space within a building that can be occupied."""

    SIMPLIFY = [

    def __init__(self, building, offset):
        self.occupant = None
        self.building = building
        self.offset = offset

    def set_occupant(self, occupant, _update=True, _predator=False):
        self.occupant = occupant
        self.occupant.abode = self
        if _update:

    def clear_occupant(self, _update=True):
        if self.occupant is not None:
            self.occupant.abode = None
            self.occupant = None
        if _update:

    def get_pos(self):
        bpos = self.building.pos
        return (bpos[0] + self.offset[0], bpos[1] + self.offset[1],

class Floor(serializer.Simplifiable):
    """A set of places within a building. Places on a
       floor are organised into rows and columns.

    SIMPLIFY = [

    def __init__(self, title, places):
        self.title = title # str
        self.places = places # list of lists of places

    def rows(self):
        for row in self.places:
            yield row

    def width(self):
        return max(len(row) for row in self.places)

class BuildingFullError(Exception):

class Building(Sprite, serializer.Simplifiable):
    """Base class for buildings"""

    IS_BUILDING = True
    GRASSLAND = tiles.REVERSE_TILE_MAP['grassland']
    MODIFY_KNIFE_RANGE = lambda s, x: 0
    MODIFY_GUN_RANGE = lambda s, x: -1
    BREAKABLE = False
    ABODE = False
    FLOORS = None
    HENHOUSE = False

    SIMPLIFY = [

    def __init__(self, pos):
        """Initial image, tile vid position, size and tile number for building."""
        self.pos = pos
        self.size = self.SIZE
        self.tile_no = self.TILE_NO
        self._buy_price = self.BUY_PRICE
        self._sell_price = self.SELL_PRICE
        self._repair_price = getattr(self, 'REPAIR_PRICE', None)
        self._sun_on = True
        self._font = pygame.font.SysFont('Vera', 30, bold=True)
        self._font_image = pygame.Surface(self.images['fixed']['day'].get_size(), flags=SRCALPHA)
        self._font_image.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
        self._broken = False
        self._predators = []

        self._floors = []
        if self.FLOORS:
            for f, z in enumerate(self.FLOORS):
                places = []
                for j in range(self.size[1]):
                    row = []
                    for i in range(self.size[0]):
                        row.append(Place(self, (i, j, z)))
                floor = Floor("Floor %s" % (f+1,), places)

        # 0: the main image
        # 1: above, -1: below
        self.draw_stack = {"main": (0, self.images['fixed']['day'])}

        # Create the building somewhere far off screen
        Sprite.__init__(self, self.images['fixed']['day'], (-1000, -1000))

    def make(cls):
        """Override default Simplifiable object creation."""
        return cls((0, 0))
    make = classmethod(make)

    def unsimplify(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Override default Simplifiable unsimplification."""
        obj = super(Building, cls).unsimplify(*args, **kwargs)
        return obj
    unsimplify = classmethod(unsimplify)

    def _set_images(self):
        self.images = {'fixed': {
            'day': imagecache.load_image(self.IMAGE),
            'night': imagecache.load_image(self.IMAGE, ('night',)),
            'selected': imagecache.load_image(self.SELECTED_IMAGE),
        if self.BREAKABLE:
            self.images['broken'] = {
                'day': imagecache.load_image(self.IMAGE_BROKEN),
                'night': imagecache.load_image(self.IMAGE_BROKEN, ('night',)),
                'selected': imagecache.load_image(self.SELECTED_IMAGE_BROKEN),

    def _set_main_image(self):
        image_set = self.images[{True: 'broken',False: 'fixed'}[self._broken]]
        self._replace_main(image_set[{True: 'day', False: 'night'}[self._sun_on]])

    def _redraw(self):
        items = self.draw_stack.values()
        items.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
        image = items.pop(0)[1].copy()
        for _lvl, overlay in items:
            image.blit(overlay, (0, 0))

    def _replace_main(self, new_main):
        self.draw_stack["main"] = (0, new_main)

    def tile_positions(self):
        """Return pairs of (x, y) tile positions for each of the tile positions
           occupied by the building.
        xpos, ypos = self.pos
        xsize, ysize = self.size

        for dx in xrange(xsize):
            for dy in xrange(ysize):
                yield (xpos + dx, ypos + dy)

    def adjacent_tiles(self):
        """Return pairs of (x, y) tile positions for each of the tiles
           adjacent to the building.
        xpos, ypos = self.pos
        xsize, ysize = self.size

        for dx in xrange(xsize): # top and bottom
            yield (xpos + dx, ypos - 1)
            yield (xpos + dx, ypos + ysize)

        for dy in xrange(ysize): # left and right
            yield (xpos - 1, ypos + dy)
            yield (xpos + xsize, ypos + dy)

    def loop(self, tv, _sprite):
        ppos = tv.tile_to_view(self.pos)
        self.rect.x = ppos[0]
        self.rect.y = ppos[1]

    def move(self, state):
        """Given the game state, return a new position for the object"""
        # Default is not to move
        return self.pos

    def place(self, tv):
        """Check that the building can be placed at its current position
           and place it if possible.
        # check that all spaces under the structure are grassland
        for tile_pos in self.tile_positions():
            if not tv.get(tile_pos) == self.GRASSLAND:
                return False

        # place tile
        for tile_pos in self.tile_positions():
            tv.set(tile_pos, self.tile_no)

        return True

    def covers(self, tile_pos):
        """Return True if build covers tile_pos, False otherwise."""
        xpos, ypos = self.pos
        xsize, ysize = self.size
        return (xpos <= tile_pos[0] < xpos + xsize) and \
            (ypos <= tile_pos[1] < ypos + ysize)

    def broken(self):
        return self._broken

    def damage(self, tv):
        if not self.BREAKABLE:
            return False
        self._broken = True
        self._sell_price = self.SELL_PRICE_BROKEN
        self.tile_no = self.TILE_NO_BROKEN
        for tile_pos in self.tile_positions():
            tv.set(tile_pos, self.tile_no)

    def repair(self, tv):
        self._broken = False
        self._sell_price = self.SELL_PRICE
        self.tile_no = self.TILE_NO
        for tile_pos in self.tile_positions():
            tv.set(tile_pos, self.tile_no)

    def remove(self, tv):
        """Remove the building from its current position."""
        # remove tile
        for tile_pos in self.tile_positions():
            tv.set(tile_pos, self.GRASSLAND)

    def buy_price(self):
        return self._buy_price

    def sell_price(self):
        return self._sell_price

    def repair_price(self):
        return self._repair_price

    def selected(self, selected):
        if selected:
            self._replace_main(self.images[{True: 'broken',False: 'fixed'}[self._broken]]['selected'])

    def sun(self, sun_on):
        self._sun_on = sun_on

    def update_occupant_count(self):
        count = len(list(self.occupants()))
        if count == 0 and not self._predators:
            if "count" in self.draw_stack:
                del self.draw_stack["count"]
            # Render chicken count
            image = self._font_image.copy()
            w, h = image.get_size()
            if count:
                text = self._font.render(str(count), True,
                # Blit to the right
                x, y = text.get_size()
                image.blit(text, (w - x, h - y))
            # Render predator count
            if self._predators:
                text = self._font.render(str(len(self._predators)), True,
                # Blit to the left
                x, y = text.get_size()
                image.blit(text, (0, h - y))
            self.draw_stack["count"] = (1, image)


    def floors(self):
        return self._floors

    def places(self):
        for floor in self._floors:
            for row in floor.rows():
                for place in row:
                    yield place

    def max_floor_width(self):
        return max(floor.width() for floor in self._floors)

    def first_empty_place(self):
        for place in self.places():
            if place.occupant is None:
                return place
        raise BuildingFullError()

    def add_occupant(self, occupant):
        place = self.first_empty_place()

    def occupants(self):
        for place in self.places():
            if place.occupant is not None:
                yield place.occupant

    def add_predator(self, animal):
        animal.building = self

    def remove_predator(self, animal):
        if animal in self._predators:
            animal.building = None

class Abode(Building):
    ABODE = True

class HenHouse(Abode):
    """A HenHouse."""

    TILE_NO = tiles.REVERSE_TILE_MAP['henhouse']
    BUY_PRICE = 20
    SELL_PRICE = 18
    SIZE = (3, 2)
    IMAGE = 'sprites/henhouse.png'
    SELECTED_IMAGE = 'sprites/select_henhouse.png'
    NAME = 'Henhouse'
    FLOORS = [0]

    HENHOUSE = True

class DoubleStoryHenHouse(HenHouse):
    """A double story hen house."""

    TILE_NO = tiles.REVERSE_TILE_MAP['hendominium']
    BUY_PRICE = 60
    SELL_PRICE = 30
    SIZE = (2, 3)
    IMAGE = 'sprites/hendominium.png'
    SELECTED_IMAGE = 'sprites/select_hendominium.png'
    NAME = 'Hendominium'
    FLOORS = [0, 1]

class GuardTower(Abode):
    """A GuardTower."""

    TILE_NO = tiles.REVERSE_TILE_MAP['guardtower']
    BUY_PRICE = 40
    SELL_PRICE = 30
    SIZE = (2, 2)
    IMAGE = 'sprites/watchtower.png'
    SELECTED_IMAGE = 'sprites/select_watchtower.png'
    NAME = 'Watchtower'
    FLOORS = [2]

    MODIFY_GUN_RANGE = lambda s, x: (3*x)/2
    MODIFY_GUN_BASE_HIT = lambda s, x: x-5
    MODIFY_GUN_RANGE_PENALTY = lambda s, x: x-1
    MODIFY_VISION_BONUS = lambda s, x: x+10
    MODIFY_VISION_RANGE_PENALTY = lambda s, x: x-2

class Fence(Building):
    """A fence."""

    TILE_NO = tiles.REVERSE_TILE_MAP['fence']
    TILE_NO_BROKEN = tiles.REVERSE_TILE_MAP['broken fence']
    BREAKABLE = True
    BUY_PRICE = 10
    SELL_PRICE = 5
    SIZE = (1, 1)
    IMAGE = 'tiles/fence.png'
    SELECTED_IMAGE = 'tiles/fence.png'
    IMAGE_BROKEN = 'tiles/broken_fence.png'
    SELECTED_IMAGE_BROKEN = 'tiles/broken_fence.png'
    NAME = 'Fence'


def is_building(obj):
    """Return true if obj is a build class."""
    return getattr(obj, "IS_BUILDING", False) and hasattr(obj, "NAME")

for name in dir():
    obj = eval(name)
        if is_building(obj):
    except TypeError: