view TODO @ 595:8dfe7eaf1f7f 1.5.x 1.5.0

Merge r597 from trunk.
author Simon Cross <>
date Sat, 28 Nov 2009 23:48:43 +0000
parents 36e1939c732a
line wrap: on
line source

== TODO ==


* Add invalid cursor sprite (mostly when placing buildings on trees, etc).

* <confluence> We should have text images instead of buttons (in the various menus and toolbars).

* Improve Fullscreen mode (on the fly scaling)

* Investigate using infinity symbol instead of dash for unlimited mode

== ISSUES ==

Leaking weakref objects bug (reported by tumbleweed):
 - this is probably


Farmer's weekly (daily?) -- egg/chicken/fox report thing. (Yay Marc!)

00:40 <@Derakon> And a way to drag-clear trees, drag-sell chickens (or auto-sell naked outdoor chickens).
00:42 <@Derakon> So...much...clicking... ;.;

01:31 < Rhamphoryncus> It seems like, long term, you want to pack hendominiums in with no space around them
01:32 < Rhamphoryncus> As you fill a grid like that you'll still have exposed edges, producing tons of chickens
01:32 <@AnnoDomini> Aren't overflow chickens autokilled, rather the eggs never hatching and being sold?
01:33 <@Derakon> No idea.
01:33 <@AnnoDomini> That's what I read in the instructions.
01:33 < Rhamphoryncus> I thought they were autosold.  I may have been confusing with the egg autosell though
01:33 <@AnnoDomini> Eggs autosell if there's no room. Chickens die.

08:37 < Rhamphoryncus> jerith: feature request: automatically switch to an offset breeding schedule.  IOW, a henhouse should only do 3/day and a hendemonium should only do 6/day

08:50 < Rhamphoryncus> and if I go and sell an egg in a henhouse/hendominium, is it supposed to take multiple clicks?
[ed: He didn't know it was multiple eggs.]

And here's me rapid-fire rambling at #ctpug after finishing my first long game. (Unedited.)

20:34 < jerith> Nitwit: Had some ideas while playing just now.
20:34 <&Nitwit> ?
20:35 < jerith> I want a "sell all naked outdoor chickens" button.
20:35 < jerith> And a "sell all superfluous eggs" button.
20:35 < jerith> Also, chickens should hatch into squares at the corners of the henhouses.
20:36 <&Nitwit> We're either going to have to expand the game window, or somehow compress the other menu options
20:37 < superfly> Nitwit: use a smaller font?
20:37 -!- confluence [] has joined #ctpug
20:37 -!- mode/#ctpug [+ao confluence confluence] by ChanServ
20:37 < jerith> I'd be happy with an "advanced" menu.
20:37 < jerith> Hey confluence.
20:37 <&Nitwit> I've been toying with the idea of unifying the buildings into a "buy building" button and "select building" dialog - that will free up a couple of 
                buttons & give us space to put building prices
20:37 <&confluence> Hello
20:37 < jerith> Also, we need to do a proper toolbar thing.
20:37 < jerith> That will save us space.
20:37 < jerith> Nitwit: That also works.
20:38 <&Nitwit> I don't want to do the same for equipment though, as I find I use those buttons much more often
20:38 < jerith> If possible, I'd like to make the "right click cancels current thing" global.
20:39 < jerith> Oh, there's a cursor display bug when moving chickens into and out of buildings.
20:39 < jerith> Also when deslecting a chicken to move.
20:40 < jerith> Then there are some nice-to-haves.
20:41 < jerith> Generating the gameboard instead of using a template.
20:41 < jerith> Being able to select groups of chickens to work with.
20:41 < jerith> Possibly even customisable ones.
20:41 < jerith> That makes no sense outside my head.
20:42 < jerith> Okay, two things.
20:42 <&Nitwit> I like the idea of being able to have pre-determined maps 
20:42 < jerith> Select a group of chickens and say "put these over there".
20:42 < jerith> Also, select a group of chickens and say "these are soldiers, re-equip them every turn if necessary".
20:43 < jerith> So chicken classes, in other words.
20:44 < jerith> If you sell a chicken with eggs, are you supposed to get paid out for the eggs too?
20:44 < jerith> I think I tried it and didn't.
20:44 < jerith> But I could be wrong.
20:45 < jerith> We need some settings -- sound on/off at the least.
20:45 < jerith> Why is resizing things in Windows a problem, by the way?
20:46 < jerith> I seem to be throwing stuff into this channel at an alarming rate. Remind me to look at the logs when I have a moment or three.
20:46 <&Nitwit> jerith: Not getting the money for the eggs probably a bug 
20:47 < jerith> Wishlist for buildings: opening a building opens a dialog you can move around with little chicken slots in it.
20:48 < jerith> That'll be hard in pgu, though.
20:49 < jerith> We need some harder foxes.
20:49 < jerith> Maybe foxes that hit harder and/or are tougher.
20:49 < jerith> We can have them triggered by the killed foxes count.
20:49 < jerith> Thus, you get harder baddies as you get better at killing baddies.
20:50 < jerith> Saving and loading games would be great, especially for the longer games.
20:51 < jerith> Also different game scenarios -- one where you start off with lots of money and only a week, but foxes come faster, for example.
20:51 < jerith> And alternate win conditions, as confluence mentioned.
20:52 < jerith> Maybe reachaing a certain cash level.
20:52 < jerith> Also bigger game boards once we can scroll, although that getts difficult in night mode.
20:52 < jerith> Forests should give foxes a stealth bonus.