diff gamelib/main.py @ 4:e8ddbc95cbf3

Silly (and broken) first stab at menu thing.
author Jeremy Thurgood <firxen@gmail.com>
date Sun, 30 Aug 2009 12:48:02 +0000
parents e057e9483488
children 67b79658b047
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/gamelib/main.py	Sun Aug 30 12:17:15 2009 +0000
+++ b/gamelib/main.py	Sun Aug 30 12:48:02 2009 +0000
@@ -6,8 +6,118 @@
-import data
+SCREEN = (800, 600)
+import time
+import random
+import pygame
+from pgu import gui
+from pygame.locals import *
+from mainmenu import MainMenu
+W,H = 640,480
+W2,H2 = 320,240
+##Using App instead of Desktop removes the GUI background.  Note the call to app.init()
+form = gui.Form()
+app = gui.App()
+main_menu = MainMenu()
+c = gui.Container(align=-1,valign=-1)
+dist = 8192
+span = 10
+stars = []
+def reset():
+    global stars
+    stars = []
+    for i in range(0,form['quantity'].value):
+        stars.append([random.randrange(-W*span,W*span),
+                      random.randrange(-H*span,H*span),
+                      random.randrange(1,dist)])
+def render(dt):
+    speed = form['speed'].value*10
+    size = form['size'].value
+    color = form['color'].value
+    warp = form['warp'].value
+    colors = []
+    for i in range(256,0,-1):
+        colors.append((color[0]*i/256,color[1]*i/256,color[2]*i/256))
+    n = 0
+    for x,y,z in stars:
+        if warp:
+            z1 = max(1,z + speed*2)
+            x1 = x*256/z1
+            y1 = y*256/z1
+            xx1,yy1 = x1+W2,y1+H2
+        x = x*256/z
+        y = y*256/z
+        xx,yy = x+W2,y+H2
+        c = min(255,z * 255 / dist)
+        col = colors[int(c)]
+        if warp:
+            pygame.draw.line(screen,col,
+                             (int(xx1),int(yy1)),
+                             (int(xx),int(yy)),size)
+        pygame.draw.circle(screen,col,(int(xx),int(yy)),size)
+        ch = 0
+        z -= speed*dt
+        if z <= 0: 
+            ch = 1
+            z += dist
+        if z > dist: 
+            ch = 1
+            z -= dist
+        if ch:
+            stars[n][0] = random.randrange(-W*span,W*span)
+            stars[n][1] = random.randrange(-H*span,H*span)
+        stars[n][2] = z
+        n += 1
+screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN,SWSURFACE)
+##You can include your own run loop.
+def gameloop(screen):
+    reset()
+    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
+    done = False
+    while not done:
+        for e in pygame.event.get():
+            if e.type is QUIT: 
+                done = True
+            elif e.type is KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE: 
+                done = True
+            else:
+                app.event(e)
+        # Clear the screen and render the stars
+        dt = clock.tick()/1000.0
+        screen.fill((0,0,0))
+        render(dt)
+        app.paint(screen)
+        pygame.display.flip()
+        pygame.time.wait(10)
 def main():
-    print "Hello from your game's main()"
-    print data.load('sample.txt').read()
+    gameloop(screen)