view gamelib/scenes/ @ 510:d274cc414178

Add show animate & cycle interact options
author Neil Muller <>
date Fri, 03 Sep 2010 17:04:38 +0200
parents af2a23b9787d
children a9925aaf5f61 3e91c82c2240
line wrap: on
line source

"""Cryo room where the prisoner starts out."""

import random

from import change_playlist, get_music, PlayList
from albow.resource import get_image

from gamelib import speech
from gamelib.sound import get_sound
from gamelib.cursor import CursorSprite
from gamelib.state import Scene, Item, CloneableItem, Thing, Result
from gamelib.constants import DEBUG
from gamelib.scenes.game_constants import PLAYER_ID
from gamelib.scenes.scene_widgets import (Door, InteractText, InteractNoImage,
                                          InteractRectUnion, InteractImage,
                                          InteractAnimated, GenericDescThing,

class Cryo(Scene):

    FOLDER = "cryo"
    BACKGROUND = "cryo_room.png"

        'greet' : True,
        'vandalism_warn': True,

    # sounds that will be played randomly as background noise
    MUSIC = [

    def __init__(self, state):
        super(Cryo, self).__init__(state)

        # Flavour items
        # pipes
        self.add_thing(GenericDescThing('cryo.pipes', 1,
            "These pipes carry cooling fluid to the cryo units.",
                (552, 145, 129, 66),
                (636, 82, 165, 60),
                (140, 135, 112, 73),
                (11, 63, 140, 67),

        # cryo units
            "An empty cryo chamber.",
            "Prisoner 81E4-C8900480E635. Embezzlement. 20 years.",
                (155, 430, 50, 35),
                (125, 450, 60, 35),
                (95, 470, 60, 35),
                (55, 490, 60, 55),

            "A working cryo chamber. The frosted glass obscures the details of the occupant.",
            "Prisoner 9334-CE1EB0243BAB. Murder. 40 years.",
                (215, 430, 50, 35),
                (205, 450, 50, 35),
                (185, 470, 50, 35),
                (125, 505, 80, 40),

            "A broken cryo chamber. The skeleton inside has been picked clean.",
            "Prisoner BFBC-8BF4C6B7492B. Importing illegal alien biomatter. 15 years.",
                (275, 430, 50, 70),
                (255, 460, 50, 70),
                (235, 490, 50, 60),

            "A working cryo chamber. The frosted glass obscures the details of the occupant.",
            "Prisoner B520-99495B8C41CE. Copyright infringement. 60 years.",
                (340, 430, 50, 70),
                (330, 500, 60, 50),

            "An empty cryo unit. Recently filled by you.",
            "Prisoner %s. Safecracking, grand larceny. 30 years." % PLAYER_ID,
                (399, 426, 70, 56),
                (404, 455, 69, 120),

            "An empty cryo unit.",
            "Prisoner 83F1-CE32D3234749. Spamming. 5 years.",
                (472, 432, 58, 51),
                (488, 455, 41, 134),
                (517, 487, 42, 93),

            "An empty cryo unit.",
            "Prisoner A455-9DF9F43C43E5. Medical malpractice. 10 years.",
                (596, 419, 69, 39),
                (616, 442, 82, 40),
                (648, 467, 84, 37),
                (681, 491, 97, 60),

    def enter(self):
        # Setup music
        pieces = [get_music(x, prefix='sounds') for x in self.MUSIC]
        background_playlist = PlayList(pieces, random=True, repeat=True)
        if self.get_data('greet'):
            self.set_data('greet', False)
            return make_jim_dialog(
                    "Greetings, Prisoner %s. I am the Judicial "
                    "Incarceration Monitor. "
                    "You have been woken early under the terms of the "
                    "emergency conscription act to assist with repairs to "
                    "the ship. Your behaviour during this time will "
                    "be noted on your record and will be relayed to "
                    "prison officials when we reach the destination. "
                    "Please report to the bridge." % PLAYER_ID, self.state)

    def leave(self):
        # Stop music

class CryoPipeBase(Thing):
    "Base class for cryo pipes that need to be stolen."

    INITIAL = "fixed"

        'fixed': True,

    def interact_with_machete(self, item):
        if self.get_data('fixed'):
            self.set_data('fixed', False)
            pipe = TubeFragment('tube_fragment')
            responses = [Result("It takes more effort than one would expect, but "
                                "eventually the pipe is separated from the wall.",
            if self.state.current_scene.get_data('vandalism_warn'):
                self.state.current_scene.set_data('vandalism_warn', False)
                    ("Prisoner %s. Vandalism is an offence punishable by a "
                     "minimum of an additional 6 months to your sentence."
                    ) % PLAYER_ID, self.state))
            return responses

    def is_interactive(self):
        return self.get_data('fixed')

    def interact_without(self):
        if self.get_data('fixed'):
            return Result("These pipes aren't attached to the wall very solidly.")
        return None

    def get_description(self):
        if self.get_data('fixed'):
            return "These pipes carry cooling fluid to empty cryo units."
        return "There used to be a pipe carrying cooling fluid here."

class UncuttableCryoPipes(Thing):
    "Base class for cryo pipes that can't be cut down."

    NAME = "cryo.pipes.2"

        "fixed" : InteractRectUnion((
                (2, 130, 44, 394),
                (756, 127, 52, 393),))

    INITIAL = "fixed"

    def interact_with_machete(self, item):
        return Result("These pipes carry fluid to the working cryo units."
                " Chopping them down doesn't seem sensible.")

    def is_interactive(self):
        return True

    def interact_without(self):
        return Result("These pipes aren't attached to the wall very solidly.")

    def get_description(self):
        return "These pipes carry cooling fluid to the working cryo units."

class TubeFragment(CloneableItem):
    "Obtained after cutting down a cryo room pipe."

    INVENTORY_IMAGE = "tube_fragment.png"
    CURSOR = CursorSprite('tube_fragment_cursor.png')
    TOOL_NAME = "tube_fragment"

class CryoPipeLeft(CryoPipeBase):
    "Left cryo pipe."

    NAME = "cryo.pipe.left"
        "fixed": InteractImage(117, 226, "intact_cryo_pipe_left.png"),
        "chopped": InteractNoImage(125, 192, 27, 258),

class CryoPipeRightTop(CryoPipeBase):
    "Right cryo pipe, top."

    NAME = ""
        "fixed": InteractImage(645, 212, "intact_cryo_pipe_right_top.png"),
        "chopped": InteractNoImage(643, 199, 31, 111),

class CryoPipeRightBottom(CryoPipeBase):
    "Right cryo pipe, bottom."

    NAME = "cryo.pipe.right.bottom"
        "fixed": InteractImage(644, 333, "intact_cryo_pipe_right_bottom.png"),
        "chopped": InteractNoImage(644, 333, 31, 107),

class TitaniumLeg(Item):
    "Titanium leg, found on a piratical corpse."

    INVENTORY_IMAGE = "titanium_femur.png"
    CURSOR = CursorSprite('titanium_femur_cursor.png', 13, 5)

class CryoUnitAlpha(Thing):
    "Cryo unit containing titanium leg."

    NAME = "cryo.unit.1"

        "unit": InteractRectUnion((
            (531, 430, 64, 49),
            (560, 460, 57, 47),
            (583, 482, 65, 69),
            (600, 508, 71, 48),

    INITIAL = "unit"

        'contains_titanium_leg': True,

    def interact_without(self):
        return Result(detail_view='cryo_detail')

    def interact_with_titanium_leg(self, item):
        return Result("You hit the chamber that used to hold this very leg. Nothing happens as a result.",

    def get_description(self):
        if self.get_data('contains_titanium_leg'):
            return "A broken cryo chamber, with a poor unfortunate corpse inside."
        return "A broken cryo chamber. The corpse inside is missing a leg."

class GenericCryoUnit(GenericDescThing):
    "Generic Cryo unit"

    def __init__(self, number, description, detailed_description, areas):
        super(GenericCryoUnit, self).__init__('cryo.unit', number, description, areas)
        self.detailed_description = detailed_description

    def is_interactive(self):
        return True

    def interact_without(self):
        return Result(self.detailed_description)

    def get_description(self):
        return self.description

    def interact_with_titanium_leg(self, item):
        return Result(random.choice([
                "You bang on the chamber with the titanium femur. Nothing much happens.",
                "Hitting the cryo unit with the femur doesn't achieve anything.",
                "You hit the chamber with the femur. Nothing happens.",
                ]), soundfile="clang2.ogg")

class CryoRoomDoor(Door):
    "Door to the cryo room."

    SCENE = "cryo"

        "shut": InteractNoImage(290, 260, 99, 152),
        "ajar": InteractImage(290, 260, "door_ajar.png"),
        "open": InteractImage(290, 260, "door_open.png"),

    INITIAL = "shut"

        'door': "shut",

    def interact_with_titanium_leg(self, item):
        if self.get_data('door') == "ajar":
            return Result("You wedge the titanium femur into the chain and twist. With a satisfying *snap*, the chain breaks and the door opens.", soundfile='break.ogg')
        elif self.get_data('door') == "shut":
            text = "You bang on the door with the titanium femur. It makes a clanging sound."
            return Result(text, soundfile='clang.ogg')
            return Result("You wave the femur in the doorway. Nothing happens.")

    def interact_without(self):
        if self.get_data('door') == "shut":
        if self.get_data('door') != "open":
            return Result("It moves slightly and then stops. A chain on the other side is preventing it from opening completely.", soundfile='chain.ogg')
            return None

    def interact_default(self, item):
        return self.interact_without()

    def half_open_door(self):
        self.set_data('door', "ajar")

    def open_door(self):
        self.set_data('door', "open")

    def get_description(self):
        if self.get_data('door') == "open":
            return 'An open doorway leads to the rest of the ship.'
        elif self.get_data('door') == "ajar":
            return ("A rusty door. It can't open all the way because of a "
                    "chain on the other side.")
        return 'A rusty door. It is currently closed.'

class CryoComputer(Thing):
    "Computer in the cryo room."

    NAME = ""

        "info": InteractAnimated(416, 290, ["comp_info.png", "comp_info2.png"],
        "warn": InteractImage(416, 290, "comp_warn.png"),
        "error": InteractImage(416, 290, "comp_error.png"),

    INITIAL = "info"

    def interact_without(self):
        return Result(detail_view='cryo_comp_detail')

    def interact_with_titanium_leg(self, item):
        return Result("Hitting it with the leg accomplishes nothing.")

    def get_description(self):
        return "A computer terminal, with some text on it."

class TitaniumLegThing(Thing):
    "Triangle in the cryo room."

    NAME = "cryo.titanium_leg"

        "leg": InteractImage(180, 132, "leg.png"),

    INITIAL = "leg"

    def interact_without(self):
        self.state.current_scene.things['cryo.unit.1'].set_data('contains_titanium_leg', False)
        return Result("The skeletal occupant of this cryo unit has an artificial femur made of titanium. You take it.")

    def get_description(self):
        return "This femur looks synthetic."

class PlaqueThing(Thing):
    "Plaque on the detailed cryo chamber"

    NAME = "cryo.plaque"

        "plaque": InteractNoImage(60, 40, 35, 24),

    INITIAL = "plaque"

    def interact_without(self):
        return Result("The plaque is welded to the unit. You can't shift it.")

    def get_description(self):
        return "'Prisoner 98CC-764E646391EE. War crimes. 45 years."

class FullBottle(Item):
    INVENTORY_IMAGE = 'bottle_full.png'
    CURSOR = CursorSprite('bottle_full_cursor.png', 27, 7)

class CryoPools(Thing):
    "Handy for cooling engines"

    NAME = 'cryo.pool'

        'pools': InteractRectUnion((
                (444, 216, 125, 67),
                (44, 133, 74, 107),
                (485, 396, 97, 34),

    INITIAL = 'pools'

    def get_description(self):
        return "Coolant leaks disturbingly from the bulkheads."

    def interact_without(self):
        return Result("It's gooey")

    def interact_with_detergent_bottle(self, item):
        full = FullBottle('full_detergent_bottle')
        return Result("You scoop up some coolant and fill the bottle.")

class CryoCompDetail(Scene):

    FOLDER = "cryo"
    BACKGROUND = "comp_info_detail.png"
    BACKGROUND_FIXED = "comp_info_detail_fixed.png"
    NAME = "cryo_comp_detail"

    SIZE = (640, 400)

    def __init__(self, state):
        super(CryoCompDetail, self).__init__(state)
        self._background_fixed = get_image(self.FOLDER, self.BACKGROUND_FIXED)

    def draw_background(self, surface):
        if self.state.scenes['engine'].get_data('engine online'):
            surface.blit(self._background_fixed, self.OFFSET, None)
            surface.blit(self._background, self.OFFSET, None)

class CryoUnitWithCorpse(Scene):

    FOLDER = "cryo"
    BACKGROUND = "cryo_unit_detail.png"
    NAME = "cryo_detail"

    SIZE = (300, 300)

    def __init__(self, state):
        super(CryoUnitWithCorpse, self).__init__(state)

SCENES = [Cryo]
DETAIL_VIEWS = [CryoUnitWithCorpse, CryoCompDetail]