diff gamelib/scenes/cryo.py @ 854:3577c51029f1 default tip

Remove Suspended Sentence. pyntnclick is the library we extracted from it
author Stefano Rivera <stefano@rivera.za.net>
date Sat, 21 Jun 2014 22:15:54 +0200
parents f95830b58336
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/gamelib/scenes/cryo.py	Sat Jun 21 22:04:35 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
-"""Cryo room where the prisoner starts out."""
-import random
-from pyntnclick.i18n import _
-from pyntnclick.utils import render_text
-from pyntnclick.cursor import CursorSprite
-from pyntnclick.state import Scene, Item, CloneableItem, Thing, Result
-from pyntnclick.scenewidgets import (
-    InteractNoImage, InteractRectUnion, InteractImage, InteractAnimated,
-    GenericDescThing, TakeableThing)
-from gamelib.scenes.game_constants import PLAYER_ID
-from gamelib.scenes.game_widgets import Door, make_jim_dialog
-class Cryo(Scene):
-    FOLDER = "cryo"
-    BACKGROUND = "cryo_room.png"
-        'greet': True,
-        'vandalism_warn': True,
-        'sentence': 30,
-        }
-    # sounds that will be played randomly as background noise
-    MUSIC = [
-            'drip1.ogg',
-            'drip2.ogg',
-            'drip3.ogg',
-            'creaking.ogg',
-            'silent.ogg',
-            'silent.ogg',
-            ]
-    def setup(self):
-        self.add_item_factory(TitaniumLeg)
-        self.add_item_factory(TubeFragment)
-        self.add_item_factory(FullBottle)
-        self.add_thing(CryoUnitAlpha())
-        self.add_thing(CryoRoomDoor())
-        self.add_thing(CryoComputer())
-        self.add_thing(CryoPipeLeft())
-        self.add_thing(CryoPipeRightTop())
-        self.add_thing(CryoPipeRightBottom())
-        self.add_thing(CryoPools())
-        # Flavour items
-        # pipes
-        self.add_thing(GenericDescThing('cryo.pipes', 1,
-            _("These pipes carry cooling fluid to the cryo units."),
-            (
-                (552, 145, 129, 66),
-                (636, 82, 165, 60),
-                (140, 135, 112, 73),
-                (11, 63, 140, 67),
-                )))
-        self.add_thing(UncuttableCryoPipes())
-        # cryo units
-        self.add_thing(GenericCryoUnit(2,
-            _("An empty cryo chamber."),
-            _("Prisoner 81E4-C8900480E635. Embezzlement. 20 years."),
-            (
-                (155, 430, 50, 35),
-                (125, 450, 60, 35),
-                (95, 470, 60, 35),
-                (55, 490, 60, 55),
-                )))
-        self.add_thing(GenericCryoUnit(3,
-            _("A working cryo chamber. The frosted glass obscures the details"
-              " of the occupant."),
-            _("Prisoner 9334-CE1EB0243BAB. Murder. 40 years."),
-            (
-                (215, 430, 50, 35),
-                (205, 450, 50, 35),
-                (185, 470, 50, 35),
-                (125, 505, 80, 40),
-                )))
-        self.add_thing(GenericCryoUnit(4,
-            _("A broken cryo chamber. The skeleton inside has been picked"
-              " clean."),
-            _("Prisoner BFBC-8BF4C6B7492B. Importing illegal alien biomatter."
-              " 15 years."),
-            (
-                (275, 430, 50, 70),
-                (255, 460, 50, 70),
-                (235, 490, 50, 60),
-                )))
-        self.add_thing(GenericCryoUnit(5,
-            _("A working cryo chamber. The frosted glass obscures the details "
-              "of the occupant."),
-            _("Prisoner B520-99495B8C41CE. Copyright infringement. 60 years."),
-            (
-                (340, 430, 50, 70),
-                (330, 500, 60, 50),
-                )))
-        self.add_thing(GenericCryoUnit(6,
-            _("An empty cryo unit. Recently filled by you."),
-            _("Prisoner %s. Safecracking, grand larceny. 30 years.")
-            % PLAYER_ID,
-            (
-                (399, 426, 70, 56),
-                (404, 455, 69, 120),
-                )))
-        self.add_thing(GenericCryoUnit(7,
-            _("An empty cryo unit."),
-            _("Prisoner 83F1-CE32D3234749. Spamming. 5 years."),
-            (
-                (472, 432, 58, 51),
-                (488, 455, 41, 134),
-                (517, 487, 42, 93),
-                )))
-        self.add_thing(GenericCryoUnit(8,
-            _("An empty cryo unit."),
-            _("Prisoner A455-9DF9F43C43E5. Medical malpractice. 10 years."),
-            (
-                (596, 419, 69, 39),
-                (616, 442, 82, 40),
-                (648, 467, 84, 37),
-                (681, 491, 97, 60),
-                )))
-    def enter(self):
-        # Setup music
-        pieces = [self.sound.get_music(x) for x in self.MUSIC]
-        background_playlist = self.sound.get_playlist(pieces, random=True,
-                                                      repeat=True)
-        self.sound.change_playlist(background_playlist)
-        if self.get_data('greet'):
-            self.set_data('greet', False)
-            return make_jim_dialog(
-                    _("Greetings, Prisoner %s. I am the Judicial "
-                      "Incarceration Monitor. "
-                      "You have been woken early under the terms of the "
-                      "emergency conscription act to assist with repairs to "
-                      "the ship. Your behaviour during this time will "
-                      "be noted on your record and will be relayed to "
-                      "prison officials when we reach the destination. "
-                      "Please report to the bridge.") % PLAYER_ID, self.game)
-    def leave(self):
-        # Stop music
-        self.sound.change_playlist(None)
-class CryoPipeBase(Thing):
-    "Base class for cryo pipes that need to be stolen."
-    INITIAL = "fixed"
-        'fixed': True,
-    }
-    def select_interact(self):
-        if not self.get_data('fixed'):
-            return 'chopped'
-        return self.INITIAL
-    def interact_with_machete(self, item):
-        if self.get_data('fixed'):
-            self.set_data('fixed', False)
-            self.game.add_inventory_item('tube_fragment')
-            self.set_interact()
-            responses = [Result(_("It takes more effort than one would expect,"
-                                  " but eventually the pipe is separated from"
-                                  " the wall."), soundfile="chop-chop.ogg")]
-            if self.game.get_current_scene().get_data('vandalism_warn'):
-                self.game.get_current_scene().set_data('vandalism_warn', False)
-                responses.append(make_jim_dialog(
-                    _("Prisoner %s. Vandalism is an offence punishable by a "
-                      "minimum of an additional 6 months to your sentence."
-                      ) % PLAYER_ID, self.game))
-            return responses
-    def is_interactive(self, tool=None):
-        return self.get_data('fixed')
-    def interact_without(self):
-        if self.get_data('fixed'):
-            return Result(_("These pipes aren't attached to the wall very"
-                            " solidly."))
-        return None
-    def get_description(self):
-        if self.get_data('fixed'):
-            return _("These pipes carry cooling fluid to empty cryo units.")
-        return _("There used to be a pipe carrying cooling fluid here.")
-class UncuttableCryoPipes(Thing):
-    "Base class for cryo pipes that can't be cut down."
-    NAME = "cryo.pipes.2"
-    INTERACTS = {
-        "fixed": InteractRectUnion((
-                (2, 130, 44, 394),
-                (756, 127, 52, 393),))
-        }
-    INITIAL = "fixed"
-    def interact_with_machete(self, item):
-        return Result(_("These pipes carry fluid to the working cryo units."
-                        " Chopping them down doesn't seem sensible."))
-    def is_interactive(self, tool=None):
-        return True
-    def interact_without(self):
-        return Result(
-          _("These pipes aren't attached to the wall very solidly."))
-    def get_description(self):
-        return _("These pipes carry cooling fluid to the working cryo units.")
-class TubeFragment(CloneableItem):
-    "Obtained after cutting down a cryo room pipe."
-    NAME = "tube_fragment"
-    INVENTORY_IMAGE = "tube_fragment.png"
-    CURSOR = CursorSprite('tube_fragment_cursor.png')
-    TOOL_NAME = "tube_fragment"
-    MAX_COUNT = 3
-class CryoPipeLeft(CryoPipeBase):
-    "Left cryo pipe."
-    NAME = "cryo.pipe.left"
-    INTERACTS = {
-        "fixed": InteractImage(117, 226, "intact_cryo_pipe_left.png"),
-        "chopped": InteractNoImage(125, 192, 27, 258),
-        }
-class CryoPipeRightTop(CryoPipeBase):
-    "Right cryo pipe, top."
-    NAME = "cryo.pipe.right.top"
-    INTERACTS = {
-        "fixed": InteractImage(645, 212, "intact_cryo_pipe_right_top.png"),
-        "chopped": InteractNoImage(643, 199, 31, 111),
-        }
-class CryoPipeRightBottom(CryoPipeBase):
-    "Right cryo pipe, bottom."
-    NAME = "cryo.pipe.right.bottom"
-    INTERACTS = {
-        "fixed": InteractImage(644, 333, "intact_cryo_pipe_right_bottom.png"),
-        "chopped": InteractNoImage(644, 333, 31, 107),
-        }
-class TitaniumLeg(Item):
-    "Titanium leg, found on a piratical corpse."
-    NAME = 'titanium_leg'
-    INVENTORY_IMAGE = "titanium_femur.png"
-    CURSOR = CursorSprite('titanium_femur_cursor.png', 13, 5)
-class CryoUnitAlpha(Thing):
-    "Cryo unit containing titanium leg."
-    NAME = "cryo.unit.1"
-    INTERACTS = {
-        "unit": InteractRectUnion((
-            (531, 430, 64, 49),
-            (560, 460, 57, 47),
-            (583, 482, 65, 69),
-            (600, 508, 71, 48),
-            ))
-    }
-    INITIAL = "unit"
-        'contains_titanium_leg': True,
-        }
-    def interact_without(self):
-        return Result(detail_view='cryo_detail')
-    def interact_with_titanium_leg(self, item):
-        return Result(_("You hit the chamber that used to hold this very leg."
-                        " Nothing happens as a result."),
-                      soundfile="clang2.ogg")
-    def get_description(self):
-        if self.get_data('contains_titanium_leg'):
-            return _("A broken cryo chamber, with a poor unfortunate corpse"
-                     " inside.")
-        return _("A broken cryo chamber. The corpse inside is missing a leg.")
-class GenericCryoUnit(GenericDescThing):
-    "Generic Cryo unit"
-    def __init__(self, number, description, detailed_description, areas):
-        super(GenericCryoUnit, self).__init__('cryo.unit', number,
-                description, areas)
-        self.detailed_description = detailed_description
-    def is_interactive(self, tool=None):
-        return True
-    def interact_without(self):
-        return Result(self.detailed_description)
-    def get_description(self):
-        return self.description
-    def interact_with_titanium_leg(self, item):
-        return Result(random.choice([
-                _("You bang on the chamber with the titanium femur. Nothing"
-                  " much happens."),
-                _("Hitting the cryo unit with the femur doesn't achieve"
-                  " anything."),
-                _("You hit the chamber with the femur. Nothing happens."),
-                ]), soundfile="clang2.ogg")
-class CryoRoomDoor(Door):
-    "Door to the cryo room."
-    SCENE = "cryo"
-    INTERACTS = {
-        "shut": InteractNoImage(290, 260, 99, 152),
-        "ajar": InteractImage(290, 260, "door_ajar.png"),
-        "open": InteractImage(290, 260, "door_open.png"),
-        }
-    INITIAL = "shut"
-        'door': "shut",
-        }
-    def interact_with_titanium_leg(self, item):
-        if self.get_data('door') == "ajar":
-            self.open_door()
-            return Result(_("You wedge the titanium femur into the chain and"
-                            " twist. With a satisfying *snap*, the chain"
-                            " breaks and the door opens."),
-                          soundfile='break.ogg')
-        elif self.get_data('door') == "shut":
-            text = _("You bang on the door with the titanium femur. It makes a"
-                     " clanging sound.")
-            return Result(text, soundfile='clang.ogg')
-        else:
-            return Result(_("You wave the femur in the doorway. Nothing"
-                            " happens."))
-    def interact_without(self):
-        if self.get_data('door') == "shut":
-            self.half_open_door()
-        if self.get_data('door') != "open":
-            return Result(_("It moves slightly and then stops. A chain on the"
-                            " other side is preventing it from opening"
-                            " completely."), soundfile='chain.ogg')
-        else:
-            self.game.change_scene('map')
-            return None
-    def interact_default(self, item):
-        return self.interact_without()
-    def select_interact(self):
-        return self.get_data('door') or self.INITIAL
-    def half_open_door(self):
-        self.set_data('door', "ajar")
-        self.set_interact()
-    def open_door(self):
-        self.set_data('door', "open")
-        self.set_interact()
-    def get_description(self):
-        if self.get_data('door') == "open":
-            return _('An open doorway leads to the rest of the ship.')
-        elif self.get_data('door') == "ajar":
-            return _("A rusty door. It can't open all the way because of a "
-                     "chain on the other side.")
-        return _('A rusty door. It is currently closed.')
-class CryoComputer(Thing):
-    "Computer in the cryo room."
-    NAME = "cryo.computer"
-    INTERACTS = {
-        "info": InteractAnimated(416, 290, ["comp_info.png", "comp_info2.png"],
-            10),
-        "warn": InteractImage(416, 290, "comp_warn.png"),
-        "error": InteractImage(416, 290, "comp_error.png"),
-        }
-    INITIAL = "info"
-    def interact_without(self):
-        return Result(detail_view='cryo_comp_detail')
-    def interact_with_titanium_leg(self, item):
-        return Result(_("Hitting it with the leg accomplishes nothing."))
-    def get_description(self):
-        return _("A computer terminal, with some text on it.")
-class TitaniumLegThing(TakeableThing):
-    "Triangle in the cryo room."
-    NAME = "cryo.titanium_leg"
-    INTERACTS = {
-        "leg": InteractImage(180, 132, "leg.png"),
-        }
-    INITIAL = "leg"
-    ITEM = 'titanium_leg'
-    def interact_without(self):
-        self.game.scenes['cryo'].things['cryo.unit.1'].set_data(
-                'contains_titanium_leg', False)
-        self.take()
-        return Result(_("The skeletal occupant of this cryo unit has an"
-                        " artificial femur made of titanium. You take it."))
-    def get_description(self):
-        return _("This femur looks synthetic.")
-class PlaqueThing(Thing):
-    "Plaque on the detailed cryo chamber"
-    NAME = "cryo.plaque"
-    INTERACTS = {
-        "plaque": InteractNoImage(60, 40, 35, 24),
-        }
-    INITIAL = "plaque"
-    def interact_without(self):
-        return Result(
-          _("The plaque is welded to the unit. You can't shift it."))
-    def get_description(self):
-        return _("'Prisoner 98CC-764E646391EE. War crimes. 45 years.")
-class FullBottle(Item):
-    NAME = 'full_detergent_bottle'
-    INVENTORY_IMAGE = 'bottle_full.png'
-    CURSOR = CursorSprite('bottle_full_cursor.png', 27, 7)
-class CryoPools(Thing):
-    "Handy for cooling engines"
-    NAME = 'cryo.pool'
-    INTERACTS = {
-        'pools': InteractRectUnion((
-                (444, 216, 125, 67),
-                (44, 133, 74, 107),
-                (485, 396, 97, 34),
-        )),
-    }
-    INITIAL = 'pools'
-    def get_description(self):
-        return _("Coolant leaks disturbingly from the bulkheads.")
-    def interact_without(self):
-        return Result(_("It's gooey"))
-    def interact_with_detergent_bottle(self, item):
-        self.game.replace_inventory_item(item.name, 'full_detergent_bottle')
-        return Result(_("You scoop up some coolant and fill the bottle."))
-class CryoCompDetail(Scene):
-    FOLDER = "cryo"
-    BACKGROUND = "comp_info_detail.png"
-    NAME = "cryo_comp_detail"
-    def setup(self):
-        background = self.get_image(
-            self.FOLDER, self.BACKGROUND)
-        # Add the common text strings
-        bg = (0, 0, 0, 0)
-        fg = 'lightgreen'
-        font = 'DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf'
-        size = 18
-        background.blit(render_text(_("Info"),
-            font, 24, fg, bg, self.resource, (90, 25), False), (25, 60))
-        background.blit(render_text(_("Cryo Units Online: 2, 4"),
-            font, size, fg, bg, self.resource, (240, 30), False), (15, 120))
-        background.blit(render_text(_("Crew Active: 0"),
-            font, size, fg, bg, self.resource, (240, 30), False), (15, 170))
-        background.blit(render_text(_("Current Trip Time: 97558 days"),
-            font, size, fg, bg, self.resource, (340, 30), False), (15, 210))
-        background.blit(render_text(_("Expected Time of Arrival:"),
-            font, size, fg, bg, self.resource, (340, 30), False), (15, 240))
-        self._background_fixed = background.copy()
-        self._background_offline = background.copy()
-        self._background_fixed.blit(render_text(_("397 days"),
-            font, size, fg, bg, self.resource, (340, 30), False), (275, 240))
-        self._background_offline.blit(render_text(
-            _("<Error: Division by Zero Error>"),
-            font, size, fg, bg, self.resource, (340, 30), False), (275, 240))
-    def draw_background(self, surface):
-        if self.game.scenes['engine'].get_data('engine online'):
-            surface.blit(self._background_fixed, self.OFFSET, None)
-        else:
-            surface.blit(self._background_offline, self.OFFSET, None)
-class CryoUnitWithCorpse(Scene):
-    FOLDER = "cryo"
-    BACKGROUND = "cryo_unit_detail.png"
-    NAME = "cryo_detail"
-    def setup(self):
-        self.add_thing(TitaniumLegThing())
-        self.add_thing(PlaqueThing())
-SCENES = [Cryo]
-DETAIL_VIEWS = [CryoUnitWithCorpse, CryoCompDetail]