diff gamelib/scenes/bridge.py @ 854:3577c51029f1 default tip

Remove Suspended Sentence. pyntnclick is the library we extracted from it
author Stefano Rivera <stefano@rivera.za.net>
date Sat, 21 Jun 2014 22:15:54 +0200
parents f95830b58336
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/gamelib/scenes/bridge.py	Sat Jun 21 22:04:35 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,720 +0,0 @@
-"""Bridge where the final showdown with the AI occurs."""
-import random
-from pygame.colordict import THECOLORS
-from pygame.color import Color
-from pygame.rect import Rect
-from pyntnclick.i18n import _
-from pyntnclick.utils import render_text
-from pyntnclick.cursor import CursorSprite
-from pyntnclick.state import Scene, Item, Thing, Result
-from pyntnclick.scenewidgets import (
-    InteractNoImage, InteractRectUnion, InteractImage, InteractAnimated,
-    GenericDescThing, TakeableThing, InteractText)
-from gamelib.scenes.game_constants import PLAYER_ID
-from gamelib.scenes.game_widgets import Door, BaseCamera, make_jim_dialog
-class Bridge(Scene):
-    FOLDER = "bridge"
-    BACKGROUND = 'bridge.png'
-    OFFSET = (0, -50)
-    MUSIC = [
-            'beep1.ogg',
-            'beep2.ogg',
-            'beep880.ogg',
-            'beep660.ogg',
-            'beep3.ogg',
-            'silent.ogg',
-            'creaking.ogg',
-            'silent.ogg',
-            ]
-        'ai status': 'online',  # online, looping, dead
-        'ai panel': 'closed',  # closed, open, broken
-        }
-    def setup(self):
-        self.background_playlist = None
-        self.add_item_factory(Superconductor)
-        self.add_item_factory(TapedSuperconductor)
-        self.add_item_factory(Stethoscope)
-        self.add_thing(ToMap())
-        self.add_thing(MonitorCamera())
-        self.add_thing(MassageChair())
-        self.add_thing(MassageChairBase())
-        self.add_thing(StethoscopeThing())
-        self.add_thing(BridgeComputer())
-        self.add_thing(LeftLights())
-        self.add_thing(RightLights())
-        self.add_thing(JimPanel())
-        self.add_thing(StarField())
-        self.add_thing(GenericDescThing('bridge.wires', 1,
-            _("The brightly coloured wires contrast with the drab walls."),
-            ((46, 4, 711, 143),)))
-        self.add_thing(GenericDescThing('bridge.note', 2,
-            _("\"Dammit JIM, I'm a doctor, not an engineer!\""),
-            (
-                (491, 494, 194, 105),
-                (422, 533, 71, 66),
-                )))
-        self.doctor = GenericDescThing('bridge.skel', 3,
-                _("A skeleton hangs improbably from the wires."),
-                (
-                    (632, 148, 40, 29),
-                    (683, 176, 30, 101),
-                    (652, 274, 45, 96),
-                    (639, 180, 11, 95),
-                    ))
-        self.add_thing(self.doctor)
-    def enter(self):
-        pieces = [self.sound.get_music(x) for x in self.MUSIC]
-        self.background_playlist = self.sound.get_playlist(pieces, random=True,
-                                                           repeat=True)
-        self.sound.change_playlist(self.background_playlist)
-    def leave(self):
-        self.sound.change_playlist(None)
-class ToMap(Door):
-    SCENE = "bridge"
-    INTERACTS = {
-        "door": InteractNoImage(707, 344, 84, 245),
-        }
-    INITIAL = "door"
-class BridgeComputer(Thing):
-    """The bridge computer. Gives status updates"""
-    NAME = "bridge.comp"
-    INTERACTS = {
-        'screen': InteractNoImage(338, 296, 123, 74),
-    }
-    INITIAL = 'screen'
-    def interact_without(self):
-        return Result(detail_view='bridge_comp_detail')
-    def interact_with_titanium_leg(self, item):
-        return Result(_("You can't break the duraplastic screen."))
-    def interact_with_machete(self, item):
-        return Result(_("Scratching the screen won't help you."))
-    def get_description(self):
-        return _("The main bridge computer screen.")
-class MassageChairBase(Thing):
-    "The captain's massage chair, contains superconductor"
-    NAME = 'bridge.massagechair_base'
-    INTERACTS = {
-        'chair': InteractNoImage(127, 518, 69, 64),
-    }
-    INITIAL = 'chair'
-            'contains_superconductor': True,
-    }
-    def interact_without(self):
-        return Result(detail_view='chair_detail')
-    def get_description(self):
-        if self.get_data('contains_superconductor'):
-            return _("A top of the line Massage-o-Matic Captain's Executive"
-                     " Command Chair. It's massaging a skeleton.")
-        return _("The chair won't work any more, it has no power.")
-class MassageChair(Thing):
-    "The captain's massage chair, contains superconductor"
-    NAME = 'bridge.massagechair'
-    INTERACTS = {
-        'chair': InteractRectUnion((
-            (148, 418, 77, 68),
-            (69, 363, 80, 156),
-            (104, 514, 18, 40),
-            (147, 487, 106, 32),
-            (220, 518, 83, 49),
-            (196, 502, 75, 34),
-            (207, 534, 69, 51),
-        )),
-    }
-    INITIAL = 'chair'
-    def get_description(self):
-        base = self.game.get_current_scene().things['bridge.massagechair_base']
-        return base.get_description()
-    def is_interactive(self, tool=None):
-        return False
-class Stethoscope(Item):
-    "Used for cracking safes. Found on the doctor on the chair"
-    NAME = 'stethoscope'
-    INVENTORY_IMAGE = 'stethoscope.png'
-    CURSOR = CursorSprite('stethoscope.png')
-class StethoscopeThing(TakeableThing):
-    "Stethoscope on the doctor"
-    NAME = 'bridge.stethoscope'
-    INTERACTS = {
-        'stethoscope': InteractImage(650, 178, 'hanging_stethoscope.png'),
-    }
-    INITIAL = 'stethoscope'
-    ITEM = 'stethoscope'
-    def get_description(self):
-        return _("A stethoscope hangs from the neck of the skeleton.")
-    def interact_without(self):
-        self.take()
-        # Fill in the doctor's rect
-        self.scene.doctor.rect.append(self.rect)
-        return Result(_("You pick up the stethoscope and verify that the"
-                        " doctor's heart has stopped. Probably a while ago."))
-class TapedSuperconductor(Item):
-    "Used for connecting high-powered parts of the ship up"
-    NAME = 'taped_superconductor'
-    INVENTORY_IMAGE = 'superconductor_taped.png'
-    CURSOR = CursorSprite('superconductor_taped_cursor.png')
-class Superconductor(Item):
-    "Used for connecting high-powered parts of the ship up"
-    NAME = 'superconductor'
-    INVENTORY_IMAGE = 'superconductor_fixed.png'
-    CURSOR = CursorSprite('superconductor_fixed.png')
-    def interact_with_duct_tape(self, item):
-        self.game.replace_inventory_item(self.name, 'taped_superconductor')
-        return Result(_("You rip off a piece of duct tape and stick it on the"
-                        " superconductor. It almost sticks to itself, but you"
-                        " successfully avoid disaster."))
-class SuperconductorThing(TakeableThing):
-    "Superconductor from the massage chair."
-    NAME = 'bridge.superconductor'
-    INTERACTS = {
-        'superconductor': InteractImage(158, 138, 'superconductor.png'),
-    }
-    INITIAL = 'superconductor'
-    ITEM = 'superconductor'
-    def interact_without(self):
-        self.game.scenes['bridge'].things['bridge.massagechair_base'] \
-                          .set_data('contains_superconductor', False)
-        self.take()
-        return (Result(_("The superconductor module unclips easily.")),
-                make_jim_dialog(_("Prisoner %s. That chair you've destroyed"
-                                  " was property of the ship's captain. "
-                                  "You will surely be punished.")
-                                  % PLAYER_ID, self.game))
-class StarField(Thing):
-    NAME = 'bridge.stars'
-    INTERACTS = {
-            #'stars' : InteractImage(190, 145, 'stars_3.png'),
-            'stars': InteractAnimated(190, 145,
-                                      ['stars_%d.png' % (i + 1) for i
-                                       in range(3) + range(1, 0, -1)], 30),
-            }
-    INITIAL = 'stars'
-    def is_interactive(self, tool=None):
-        return False
-class BlinkingLights(Thing):
-    def setup(self):
-        self.description = None
-    def is_interactive(self, tool=None):
-        return False
-    def leave(self):
-        self.description = random.choice([
-            _("The lights flash in interesting patterns."),
-            _("The flashing lights don't mean anything to you."),
-            _("The console lights flash and flicker."),
-            ])
-    def get_description(self):
-        if not self.description:
-            self.leave()
-        return self.description
-class LeftLights(BlinkingLights):
-    NAME = 'bridge.lights.1'
-    INTERACTS = {
-        "lights": InteractAnimated(176, 337,
-                                   ["bridge_lights_1_1.png",
-                                    "bridge_lights_1_2.png",
-                                    "bridge_lights_1_3.png",
-                                    "bridge_lights_1_2.png"], 5),
-    }
-    INITIAL = 'lights'
-class RightLights(BlinkingLights):
-    NAME = 'bridge.lights.2'
-    INTERACTS = {
-        "lights": InteractAnimated(559, 332,
-                                   ["bridge_lights_2_1.png",
-                                    "bridge_lights_2_2.png",
-                                    "bridge_lights_2_3.png",
-                                    "bridge_lights_2_2.png"], 5),
-    }
-    INITIAL = 'lights'
-class JimPanel(Thing):
-    "The panel to JIM's internals'"
-    NAME = "jim_panel"
-    INTERACTS = {
-            'closed': InteractNoImage(506, 430, 137, 47),
-            'open': InteractImage(500, 427, 'jim_panel_open.png'),
-            'broken': InteractImage(488, 412, 'jim_panel_destroyed.png'),
-            }
-    INITIAL = 'closed'
-    def get_description(self):
-        if self.scene.get_data('ai panel') == 'closed':
-            return _("The sign reads 'Warning: Authorized Techinicians Only'.")
-    def select_interact(self):
-        status = self.scene.get_data('ai panel')
-        return status or self.INITIAL
-    def interact_without(self):
-        ai_status = self.state.get_jim_state()
-        if ai_status == 'online':
-            return self.interact_default(None)
-        elif self.scene.get_data('ai panel') == 'closed':
-            return Result(_("You are unable to open the panel with your"
-                            " bare hands."))
-        elif self.scene.get_data('ai panel') == 'open':
-            self.scene.set_data('ai panel', 'broken')
-            self.state.break_ai()
-            self.set_interact()
-            return Result(_("You unplug various important-looking wires."))
-    def interact_with_machete(self, item):
-        ai_status = self.state.get_jim_state()
-        if ai_status == 'online':
-            return self.interact_default(item)
-        elif self.scene.get_data('ai panel') == 'closed':
-            self.scene.set_data('ai panel', 'open')
-            self.set_interact()
-            return Result(_("Using the machete, you lever the panel off."))
-        elif self.scene.get_data('ai panel') == 'open':
-            self.scene.set_data('ai panel', 'broken')
-            self.state.break_ai()
-            self.set_interact()
-            return Result(_("You smash various delicate components with"
-                            " the machete."))
-    def interact_default(self, item):
-        if self.state.get_jim_state() == 'online':
-            return (Result(_('You feel a shock from the panel.')),
-                    make_jim_dialog(_("Prisoner %s. Please step away from the"
-                                      " panel. You are not an authorized"
-                                      " technician.") % PLAYER_ID, self.game))
-class ChairDetail(Scene):
-    FOLDER = 'bridge'
-    BACKGROUND = 'chair_detail.png'
-    NAME = 'chair_detail'
-    def setup(self):
-        self.add_thing(SuperconductorThing())
-# classes related the computer detail
-class LogTab(Thing):
-    """Tab for log screen"""
-    NAME = 'bridge_comp.screen'
-    INTERACTS = {
-            'log tab': InteractText(100, 53, 94, 37,  _("Logs"),
-                'lightgreen', 20, 'DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf', True),
-            }
-    INITIAL = 'log tab'
-    COMPUTER = 'bridge_comp_detail'
-    def is_interactive(self, tool=None):
-        return self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].get_data('tab') != 'log'
-    def interact_without(self):
-        self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].set_data('tab', 'log')
-        self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].set_background()
-        return Result(soundfile='beep550.ogg')
-class AlertTab(Thing):
-    """Tab for alert screen"""
-    NAME = 'bridge_comp.alert_tab'
-    INTERACTS = {
-            'alert tab': InteractText(12, 53, 88, 37, _("Alerts"),
-                'orange', 20, 'DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf', True),
-            }
-    INITIAL = 'alert tab'
-    COMPUTER = 'bridge_comp_detail'
-    def is_interactive(self, tool=None):
-        return (self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].get_data('tab')
-                != 'alert')
-    def interact_without(self):
-        self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].set_data('tab', 'alert')
-        self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].set_background()
-        return Result(soundfile='beep550.ogg')
-class NavTab(Thing):
-    """Tab for the Navigation screen"""
-    NAME = 'bridge_comp.nav_tab'
-    INTERACTS = {
-            'nav tab': InteractText(197, 53, 126, 37, _("Navigation"),
-                'darkblue', 20, 'DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf', True),
-            }
-    INITIAL = 'nav tab'
-    COMPUTER = 'bridge_comp_detail'
-    def is_interactive(self, tool=None):
-        return self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].get_data('tab') != 'nav'
-    def interact_without(self):
-        self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].set_data('tab', 'nav')
-        self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].set_background()
-        return Result(soundfile='beep550.ogg')
-class DestNavPageLine(Thing):
-    """The destination navigation lines."""
-    INITIAL = 'line'
-    COMPUTER = 'bridge_comp_detail'
-    def __init__(self, number, rect, ai_blocked, dest):
-        super(DestNavPageLine, self).__init__()
-        self.name = 'bridge_comp.nav_line%s' % number
-        # set debugging higlight color for when DEBUG is on.
-        self._interact_hilight_color = Color(THECOLORS.keys()[number])
-        r = Rect(rect)
-        # We dynamically generate the interact rect here.
-        self.interacts = {}
-        self.interacts['line'] = InteractText(r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h,
-                dest, 'darkblue', 16, 'DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf', False)
-        # Whether JIM blocks this
-        self.ai_blocked = ai_blocked
-        self.set_interact()
-    def is_interactive(self, tool=None):
-        return self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].get_data('tab') == 'nav'
-    def interact_without(self):
-        if self.game.scenes['bridge'].get_data('ai status') == 'online':
-            return make_jim_dialog(_("You are not authorized to change the"
-                                     " destination."), self.game)
-        if not self.ai_blocked:
-            return Result(_("There's no good reason to choose to go to the"
-                            " penal colony."))
-        if self.game.scenes['bridge'].get_data('ai status') == 'looping':
-            return Result(_("You could change the destination, but when JIM"
-                            " recovers, it'll just get reset."))
-        if self.game.scenes['bridge'].get_data('ai status') == 'dead':
-            return Result(_("You change the destination."),
-                          soundfile="beep550.ogg", end_game=True)
-class CompUpButton(Thing):
-    """Up button on log screen"""
-    NAME = 'bridge_comp.up_button'
-    INTERACTS = {
-            'up': InteractNoImage(594, 82, 30, 58),
-            }
-    INITIAL = 'up'
-    COMPUTER = 'bridge_comp_detail'
-    def is_interactive(self, tool=None):
-        tab = self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].get_data('tab')
-        page = self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].get_data('log page')
-        return tab == 'log' and page > 0
-    def interact_without(self):
-        page = self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].get_data('log page')
-        self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].set_data('log page', page - 1)
-        self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].set_background()
-        return Result(soundfile='beep550.ogg')
-class CompDownButton(Thing):
-    """Down button on log screen"""
-    NAME = 'bridge_comp.down_button'
-    INTERACTS = {
-            'down': InteractNoImage(594, 293, 30, 58),
-            }
-    INITIAL = 'down'
-    COMPUTER = 'bridge_comp_detail'
-    def is_interactive(self, tool=None):
-        tab = self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].get_data('tab')
-        page = self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].get_data('log page')
-        max_page = self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].get_data('max page')
-        return tab == 'log' and (page + 1) < max_page
-    def interact_without(self):
-        page = self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].get_data('log page')
-        self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].set_data('log page', page + 1)
-        self.game.detail_views[self.COMPUTER].set_background()
-        return Result(soundfile='beep550.ogg')
-class MonitorCamera(BaseCamera):
-    "A camera on the bridge"
-    NAME = "bridge.camera"
-    INTERACTS = {
-        'online': InteractImage(33, 192, 'camera_small.png'),
-        'dead': InteractImage(33, 192, 'camera_small_gray.png'),
-        'looping': InteractAnimated(33, 192, ('camera_small.png',
-                                              'camera_small_gray.png'),
-                                    15),
-    }
-class BridgeCompDetail(Scene):
-    FOLDER = 'bridge'
-    NAME = 'bridge_comp_detail'
-    ALERT_BASE = 'comp_alert_base.png'
-    ALERTS = {
-            'hull breach': _("Hull breach detected: Engine Room"),
-            'ai looping': _("AI Status: 3D scene reconstruction failed."
-                " Recovery in progress"),
-            'ai offline': _("AI System Offline"),
-            'engine offline': _("Engine Offline"),
-            'life support': _("Life Support System: 20% operational"),
-            'life support partial': _("Life Support System: 40% operational"),
-            }
-    # Point to start drawing changeable alerts
-    ALERT_OFFSET = (16, 100)
-    LOG_BACKGROUND = 'comp_log_start.png'
-    LOGS = [_("<Error: Log corrupted. Unable to open Log>")]
-    NAVIGATION = 'bridge_nav_base.png'
-            'engine offline': [
-                _("Engine Offline: Navigation Disabled")],
-            'life support': [
-            _("Life Support Marginal."),
-            _("Emergency Navigation Protocol Engaged."),
-            '',
-            _("Destination locked to:"),
-            _("Bounty Penal Colony Space Port, New South Australia")],
-            }
-            'tab': 'alert',
-            'log page': 0,
-            'max page': len(LOGS),
-    }
-    def setup(self):
-        self.add_thing(LogTab())
-        self.add_thing(AlertTab())
-        self.add_thing(NavTab())
-        #self.add_thing(CompUpButton())
-        #self.add_thing(CompDownButton())
-        self._scene_playlist = None
-        self._alert = self.get_image(self.FOLDER, self.ALERT_BASE)
-        self._alert_messages = {}
-        self._nav_messages = {}
-        for key, text in self.ALERTS.iteritems():
-            self._alert_messages[key] = render_text(text,
-                    'DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf', 18, 'orange', (0, 0, 0, 0),
-                    self.resource, (600, 25), False)
-        self._nav_background = self.get_image(self.FOLDER, self.NAVIGATION)
-        #for key, name in self.NAVIGATION.iteritems():
-        #    self._nav_messages[key] = self.get_image(self.FOLDER, name)
-        self._nav_lines = []
-        self._nav_lines.append(DestNavPageLine(1, (12, 99, 610, 25), False,
-            _("1. Bounty Penal Colony Space Port, New South Australia"
-                " (397 days)")))
-        self._nav_lines.append(DestNavPageLine(2, (12, 135, 610, 25), True,
-            _("2. Hedonia Space Station (782 days)")))
-        self._nav_lines.append(DestNavPageLine(3, (12, 167, 610, 25), True,
-            _("3. Spinosa Health Resort, Prunus Secundus (1231 days)")))
-        self._nav_lines.append(DestNavPageLine(4, (12, 203, 610, 25), True,
-            _("4. Achene Space Port, Indica Prspinosame (1621 days)")))
-        self._nav_lines.append(DestNavPageLine(5, (12, 239, 610, 25), True,
-            _("5. Opioid Space Port, Gelatinosa Prime (1963 days)")))
-        self._log_background = self.get_image(self.FOLDER, self.LOG_BACKGROUND)
-        self._logs = []
-        for text in self.LOGS:
-            log_page = self._log_background.copy()
-            log_page.blit(render_text(text, 'DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf', 18,
-                'lightgreen', (0, 0, 0, 0), self.resource, (600, 25), False),
-                self.ALERT_OFFSET)
-            self._logs.append(log_page)
-    def enter(self):
-        self._scene_playlist = self.sound.get_current_playlist()
-        self.sound.change_playlist(None)
-        self.set_background()
-    def leave(self):
-        self.sound.change_playlist(self._scene_playlist)
-    def set_background(self):
-        if self.get_data('tab') == 'alert':
-            self._clear_navigation()
-            self._background = self._alert.copy()
-            self._draw_alerts()
-        elif self.get_data('tab') == 'log':
-            self._clear_navigation()
-            self._background = self._logs[self.get_data('log page')].copy()
-        elif self.get_data('tab') == 'nav':
-            self._background = self._get_nav_page()
-    def _clear_navigation(self):
-        "Remove navigation things if necessary"
-        for thing in self._nav_lines:
-            if thing.name in self.things.keys():
-                # Much fiddling to do the right thing when we reinsert it
-                del self.things[thing.name]
-                thing.scene = None
-    def _draw_nav_text(self, key):
-        surface = self._nav_background.copy()
-        xpos, ypos = self.ALERT_OFFSET
-        for line in self.NAV_MESSAGES[key]:
-            text = render_text(line, 'DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf', 18,
-                    'darkblue', (0, 0, 0, 0), self.resource, (600, 25), False)
-            surface.blit(text, (xpos, ypos))
-            ypos = ypos + text.get_height() + self.ALERT_SPACING
-        return surface
-    def _get_nav_page(self):
-        if not self.game.scenes['engine'].get_data('engine online'):
-            return self._draw_nav_text('engine offline')
-        elif (not self.game.scenes['mess'].get_data('life support status')
-              == 'fixed'):
-            return self._draw_nav_text('life support')
-        else:
-            for thing in self._nav_lines:
-                if thing.name not in self.things:
-                    self.add_thing(thing)
-            return self._nav_background.copy()
-    def _draw_alerts(self):
-        xpos, ypos = self.ALERT_OFFSET
-        self._background.blit(self._alert_messages['hull breach'],
-                (xpos, ypos))
-        ypos += (self._alert_messages['hull breach'].get_size()[1]
-                + self.ALERT_SPACING)
-        if self.game.scenes['bridge'].get_data('ai status') == 'looping':
-            self._background.blit(self._alert_messages['ai looping'],
-                    (xpos, ypos))
-            ypos += (self._alert_messages['ai looping'].get_size()[1]
-                     + self.ALERT_SPACING)
-        if self.game.scenes['bridge'].get_data('ai status') == 'dead':
-            self._background.blit(self._alert_messages['ai offline'],
-                    (xpos, ypos))
-            ypos += (self._alert_messages['ai offline'].get_size()[1]
-                     + self.ALERT_SPACING)
-        if not self.game.scenes['engine'].get_data('engine online'):
-            self._background.blit(self._alert_messages['engine offline'],
-                    (xpos, ypos))
-            ypos += (self._alert_messages['engine offline'].get_size()[1]
-                     + self.ALERT_SPACING)
-        if (self.game.scenes['mess'].get_data('life support status')
-                == 'broken'):
-            self._background.blit(self._alert_messages['life support'],
-                    (xpos, ypos))
-            ypos += (self._alert_messages['life support'].get_size()[1]
-                     + self.ALERT_SPACING)
-        if (self.game.scenes['mess'].get_data('life support status')
-                == 'replaced'):
-            self._background.blit(self._alert_messages['life support partial'],
-                         (xpos, ypos))
-            ypos += (self._alert_messages['life support partial'].get_size()[1]
-                     + self.ALERT_SPACING)
-SCENES = [Bridge]
-DETAIL_VIEWS = [ChairDetail, BridgeCompDetail]