diff pyntnclick/utils.py @ 824:9f542ef6e498 pyntnclick

Reorganise code
author Neil Muller <neil@dip.sun.ac.za>
date Tue, 29 Jan 2013 11:41:03 +0200
parents pyntnclick/tools/utils.py@f4853f817a7a
children c5171ad0c3cd
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pyntnclick/utils.py	Tue Jan 29 11:41:03 2013 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Misc utils I don't know where else to put
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import SRCALPHA
+from pygame.surface import Surface
+def list_scenes(scene_module, scene_list):
+    """List the scenes in the state"""
+    print "Available scenes and details:"
+    for scene in scene_list:
+        scenemod = __import__('%s.%s' % (scene_module, scene),
+                         fromlist=[scene])
+        if scenemod.SCENES:
+            print " * %s" % scene
+        else:
+            print " * %s (details only)" % scene
+        for detailcls in getattr(scenemod, 'DETAIL_VIEWS', []):
+            print "   - %s" % detailcls.NAME
+def draw_rect_image(surface, color, rect, thickness):
+    """Draw a rectangle with lines thickness wide"""
+    # top
+    surface.fill(color, (rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, thickness))
+    # bottom
+    surface.fill(color, (rect.left, rect.bottom - thickness, rect.width,
+        thickness))
+    # left
+    surface.fill(color, (rect.left, rect.top, thickness, rect.height))
+    # right
+    surface.fill(color, (rect.right - thickness, rect.top, thickness,
+        rect.height))
+def convert_color(color):
+    """Give me a pygame Color, dammit"""
+    if isinstance(color, pygame.Color):
+        return color
+    if isinstance(color, basestring):
+        return pygame.Color(color)
+    return pygame.Color(*color)
+def render_text(text, fontname, font_size, color, bg_color, resource, size):
+    """Render the text so it will fit in the given size, reducing font
+       size as needed.
+       Note that this does not do any text wrapping."""
+    done = False
+    width, height = size
+    surface = Surface(size, SRCALPHA).convert_alpha()
+    surface.fill(bg_color)
+    while not done and font_size > 0:
+        # We bail at font_size 1 and just clip in that case, since we're
+        # out of good options
+        font = resource.get_font(fontname, font_size)
+        text_surf = font.render(text, True, color)
+        if (text_surf.get_width() > width or text_surf.get_height() > height):
+            font_size -= 1
+        else:
+            done = True
+    # Centre the text in the rect
+    x = max(0, (width - text_surf.get_width()) / 2)
+    y = max(0, (height - text_surf.get_height()) / 2)
+    surface.blit(text_surf, (x, y))
+    return surface