view data/levels/end @ 638:30d7982f43dc

author David Sharpe <>
date Sun, 08 Sep 2013 01:38:36 +0200
parents db960388b912
children 1eed282b6dea
line wrap: on
line source

base_tile: tiles/floor.png
enemies: []
- args:
  - [725, 300]
  - finale
  - [715, 2085]
  - 180
  classname: Door
- args:
  - [300, 125]
  - Case closed! Time to head for home.
  classname: Note
- args:
  - [300, 475]
  - 'Rwarr! I''m a monster. :)'
  classname: Note
- args:
  - [550, 475]
  - Go through this door to restart the game.
  classname: Note
  name: note_restart
- args:
  - [550, 550]
  - hangar
  - [1650, 2450]
  - 90
  classname: RestartGameDoor
- args:
  - [650, 300]
  - Go through this door to replay the final battle!
  classname: Note
  name: note_continue
- args:
  - [225, 300]
  classname: FloorSwitch
  name: cockpit_switch
- args:
  - [59, 298]
  - end
  - [100, 100]
  - 0
  classname: RocketConsole
  name: rocket_console
- args:
  - [225, 250]
  - [225, 350]
  - cockpit_switch
  classname: Hatch
  name: cockpit_hatch
- args:
  - [300, 225]
  classname: FloorSwitch
  name: room_1_switch
- args:
  - [250, 225]
  - [350, 225]
  - room_1_switch
  classname: Hatch
  name: room_1_hatch
- args:
  - [550, 225]
  classname: FloorSwitch
  name: room_2_switch
- args:
  - [500, 225]
  - [600, 225]
  - room_2_switch
  classname: Hatch
  name: room_2_hatch
- args:
  - [300, 375]
  classname: FloorSwitch
  name: room_3_switch
- args:
  - [250, 375]
  - [350, 375]
  - room_3_switch
  classname: Hatch
  name: room_3_hatch
- args:
  - [550, 375]
  classname: FloorSwitch
  name: room_4_switch
- args:
  - [500, 375]
  - [600, 375]
  - room_4_switch
  classname: Hatch
  name: room_4_hatch
- args:
  - [550, 125]
  - Alien vs Werewolf III -- now showing!
  classname: Note
  name: keyhints
- args:
  - [129, 299]
  - Fire up the engines and head home!
  classname: Note
  name: blast_off
lines: []
music: POL-cyber-factory-short.ogg
music_volume: 0.3
  - [50, 300]
  - [50, 350]
  - [100, 400]
  - [150, 400]
  - [200, 350]
  - [250, 350]
  - [250, 400]
  - [200, 450]
  - [200, 500]
  - [250, 550]
  - [350, 550]
  - [400, 500]
  - [400, 450]
  - [350, 400]
  - [350, 350]
  - [500, 350]
  - [500, 400]
  - [450, 450]
  - [450, 500]
  - [500, 550]
  - [600, 550]
  - [650, 500]
  - [650, 450]
  - [600, 400]
  - [600, 350]
  - [700, 350]
  - [725, 325]
  - [725, 275]
  - [700, 250]
  - [650, 250]
  - [600, 250]
  - [600, 200]
  - [650, 150]
  - [650, 100]
  - [600, 50]
  - [500, 50]
  - [450, 100]
  - [450, 150]
  - [500, 200]
  - [500, 250]
  - [400, 250]
  - [350, 250]
  - [350, 200]
  - [400, 150]
  - [400, 100]
  - [350, 50]
  - [250, 50]
  - [200, 100]
  - [200, 150]
  - [250, 200]
  - [250, 250]
  - [200, 250]
  - [150, 200]
  - [100, 200]
  - [50, 250]
  - [50, 300]
size: [800, 600]