diff pyntnclick/main.py @ 854:79b5c1be9a5e default tip

Remove pyntnclick, it's its own library, now
author Stefano Rivera <stefano@rivera.za.net>
date Sat, 21 Jun 2014 22:06:09 +0200
parents f95830b58336
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/pyntnclick/main.py	Sat Jun 21 22:04:35 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-'''Game main module.
-Contains the entry point used by the run_game.py script.
-import sys
-import gettext
-import locale
-import os
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import pygame
-from pygame.locals import SWSURFACE
-from pyntnclick.i18n import _, get_module_i18n_path
-from pyntnclick.engine import Engine
-from pyntnclick.gamescreen import DefMenuScreen, DefEndScreen, GameScreen
-from pyntnclick.constants import GameConstants, DEBUG_ENVVAR
-from pyntnclick.resources import Resources
-from pyntnclick.sound import Sound
-from pyntnclick import state
-from pyntnclick.tools.rect_drawer import (RectEngine, RectDrawerError,
-        make_rect_display)
-from pyntnclick.utils import list_scenes
-class GameDescriptionError(Exception):
-    """Raised when an GameDescription is invalid."""
-class GameDescription(object):
-    # initial scene for start of game (unless overridden by debug)
-    # list of game scenes
-    SCENE_LIST = None
-    # starting menu
-    SCREENS = {
-        'menu': DefMenuScreen,
-        'end': DefEndScreen,
-        }
-    START_SCREEN = 'menu'
-    # Modules
-    RESOURCE_MODULE = 'data'
-    SCENE_MODULE = 'gamelib.scenes'
-    def __init__(self):
-        if self.INITIAL_SCENE is None:
-            raise GameDescriptionError("A game must have an initial scene.")
-        if not self.SCENE_LIST:
-            raise GameDescriptionError("A game must have a non-empty list"
-                                       " of scenes.")
-        if 'game' in self.SCREENS:
-            raise GameDescriptionError("The 'game' screen is reserved for the"
-                                       " game itself.")
-        self._initial_scene = self.INITIAL_SCENE
-        self._scene_list = self.SCENE_LIST
-        self._resource_module = self.RESOURCE_MODULE
-        self._debug_rects = False
-        self._screens = self.SCREENS.copy()
-        self._screens['game'] = GameScreen
-        self.constants = self.game_constants()
-        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
-        lang = locale.getdefaultlocale(['LANGUAGE', 'LC_ALL', 'LC_CTYPE',
-                                        'LANG'])[0]
-        self.resource = Resources(self._resource_module, lang)
-        locale_path = self.resource.get_resource_path('locale')
-        gettext.bindtextdomain(self.constants.short_name, locale_path)
-        gettext.textdomain(self.constants.short_name)
-        popath = self.resource.get_resource_path('po')
-        self._check_translations(popath, locale_path)
-        self.sound = Sound(self.resource)
-        self.debug_options = []
-        self.running = False
-    def _check_translations(self, popath, locale_path):
-        """Check for outdated mo files"""
-        name = gettext.textdomain()  # only check the current app
-        for candidate in os.listdir(popath):
-            if candidate.endswith('.po'):
-                polang = candidate.split('.', 1)[0]
-                pofile = os.path.join(popath, candidate)
-                mofile = gettext.find(name, locale_path, (polang,))
-                if mofile is None:
-                    print 'Missing mo file for %s' % pofile
-                    continue
-                if os.stat(pofile).st_mtime > os.stat(mofile).st_mtime:
-                    print 'po file %s is newer than mo file %s' % (pofile,
-                            mofile)
-    def initial_state(self, game_state=None):
-        """Create a copy of the initial game state."""
-        initial_state = state.Game(self, self.game_state_class()(game_state))
-        initial_state.set_debug_rects(self._debug_rects)
-        for scene in self._scene_list:
-            initial_state.load_scenes(scene)
-        if initial_state.data['current_scene'] is None:
-            initial_state.data.set_current_scene(self._initial_scene)
-        initial_state.change_scene(initial_state.data['current_scene'])
-        return initial_state
-    def game_state_class(self):
-        return state.GameState
-    def game_constants(self):
-        return GameConstants()
-    def option_parser(self):
-        parser = OptionParser()
-        parser.add_option("--no-sound", action="store_false", default=True,
-                dest="sound", help="disable sound")
-        # We flag these, so we can warn the user that these require debug mode
-        self.debug_options = ['--scene', '--no-rects', '--rect-drawer',
-                '--list-scenes', '--details']
-        if self.constants.debug:
-            parser.add_option("--scene", type="str", default=None,
-                dest="scene", help="initial scene")
-            parser.add_option("--no-rects", action="store_false", default=True,
-                dest="rects", help="disable debugging rects")
-            parser.add_option("--rect-drawer", action="store_true",
-                    default=False, dest="rect_drawer",
-                    help="Launch the rect drawing helper tool. Specify the"
-                    " scene with --scene")
-            parser.add_option("--list-scenes", action="store_true",
-                    default=False, dest='list_scenes', help="List all scenes"
-                    " that can be used with --scene and exit.")
-            parser.add_option("--detail", type="str", default=None,
-                    dest="detail", help="Detailed view for rect_drawer")
-        return parser
-    def warn_debug(self, option):
-        """Warn the user that he needs debug mode"""
-        print '%s is only valid in debug mode' % option
-        print 'set %s to enable debug mode' % DEBUG_ENVVAR
-        print
-    def main(self):
-        parser = self.option_parser()
-        # This is a bit hack'ish, but works
-        if not self.constants.debug:
-            for option in self.debug_options:
-                if option in sys.argv:
-                    self.warn_debug(option)
-        opts, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv)
-        pygame.display.init()
-        pygame.font.init()
-        if opts.sound:
-            self.sound.enable_sound(self.constants)
-        else:
-            self.sound.disable_sound()
-        if self.constants.debug:
-            if opts.scene is not None:
-                # debug the specified scene
-                self._initial_scene = opts.scene
-            self._debug_rects = opts.rects
-        if self.constants.debug and opts.list_scenes:
-            list_scenes(self.SCENE_MODULE, self._scene_list)
-            sys.exit(0)
-        if self.constants.debug and opts.rect_drawer:
-            if opts.scene is None:
-                print 'Need to supply a scene to use the rect drawer'
-                sys.exit(1)
-            locale_path = get_module_i18n_path(
-                    self.resource.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_MODULE)
-            gettext.bindtextdomain('pyntnclick-tools', locale_path)
-            gettext.textdomain('pyntnclick-tools')
-            popath = get_module_i18n_path(
-                    self.resource.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_MODULE, 'po')
-            self._check_translations(popath, locale_path)
-            make_rect_display()
-            try:
-                self.engine = RectEngine(self, opts.detail)
-            except RectDrawerError, e:
-                print 'RectDrawer failed with: %s' % e
-                sys.exit(1)
-        else:
-            pygame.display.set_mode(self.constants.screen, SWSURFACE)
-            if self.constants.icon:
-                pygame.display.set_icon(self.resource.get_image(
-                    self.constants.icon, basedir='icons'))
-            if self.constants.title:
-                title = _(self.constants.title).encode('utf-8')
-                pygame.display.set_caption(title)
-            self.engine = Engine(self)
-            # Initialize the special screens in the engine
-            for name, cls in self._screens.iteritems():
-                screen = cls(self)
-                self.engine.add_screen(name, screen)
-            # Should we allow the menu not to be the opening screen?
-            self.engine.set_screen(self.START_SCREEN)
-        try:
-            self.engine.run()
-        except KeyboardInterrupt:
-            pass
-    def get_default_save_location(self):
-        """Return a default save game location."""
-        app = self.constants.short_name
-        if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
-            if "APPDATA" in os.environ:
-                return os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], app)
-            return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "." + app)
-        elif 'XDG_DATA_HOME' in os.environ:
-            return os.path.join(os.environ["XDG_DATA_HOME"], app)
-        return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".local", "share", app)