diff pyntnclick/gamescreen.py @ 548:ded4324b236e pyntnclick

Moved stuff around, broke everything.
author Jeremy Thurgood <firxen@gmail.com>
date Sat, 11 Feb 2012 13:10:18 +0200
parents gamelib/gamescreen.py@a6f9b6edb6c7
children 38fb04728ac5
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pyntnclick/gamescreen.py	Sat Feb 11 13:10:18 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+# gamescreen.py
+# Copyright Boomslang team, 2010 (see COPYING File)
+# Main menu for the game
+from albow.controls import Widget
+from albow.layout import Row
+from albow.palette_view import PaletteView
+from albow.screen import Screen
+from pygame import Rect, mouse
+from pygame.color import Color
+from constants import SCREEN, BUTTON_SIZE, SCENE_SIZE, LEAVE
+from cursor import CursorWidget
+from state import initial_state, handle_result
+from widgets import (MessageDialog, BoomButton, HandButton, PopupMenu,
+                     PopupMenuButton)
+class InventoryView(PaletteView):
+    sel_color = Color("yellow")
+    sel_width = 2
+    def __init__(self, screen):
+        PaletteView.__init__(self, (BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE), 1, 6,
+                             scrolling=True)
+        self.screen = screen
+        self.state = screen.state
+        self.state_widget = screen.state_widget
+    def num_items(self):
+        return len(self.state.inventory)
+    def draw_item(self, surface, item_no, rect):
+        item_image = self.state.inventory[item_no].get_inventory_image()
+        surface.blit(item_image, rect, None)
+    def click_item(self, item_no, event):
+        item = self.state.inventory[item_no]
+        if self.item_is_selected(item_no):
+            self.unselect()
+        elif item.is_interactive(self.state.tool):
+            result = item.interact(self.state.tool)
+            handle_result(result, self.state_widget)
+        else:
+            self.state.set_tool(self.state.inventory[item_no])
+    def mouse_down(self, event):
+        if event.button != 1:
+            self.state.cancel_doodah(self.screen)
+        else:
+            PaletteView.mouse_down(self, event)
+    def item_is_selected(self, item_no):
+        return self.state.tool is self.state.inventory[item_no]
+    def unselect(self):
+        self.state.set_tool(None)
+class StateWidget(Widget):
+    def __init__(self, screen):
+        Widget.__init__(self, Rect(0, 0, SCENE_SIZE[0], SCENE_SIZE[1]))
+        self.screen = screen
+        self.state = screen.state
+        self.detail = DetailWindow(screen)
+    def draw(self, surface):
+        if self.state.previous_scene and self.state.do_check == LEAVE:
+            # We still need to handle leave events, so still display the scene
+            self.state.previous_scene.draw(surface, self)
+        else:
+            self.state.current_scene.draw(surface, self)
+    def mouse_down(self, event):
+        self.mouse_move(event)
+        if event.button != 1:  # We have a right/middle click
+            self.state.cancel_doodah(self.screen)
+        elif self.subwidgets:
+            self.clear_detail()
+            self._mouse_move(event.pos)
+        else:
+            result = self.state.interact(event.pos)
+            handle_result(result, self)
+    def animate(self):
+        if self.state.animate():
+            # queue a redraw
+            self.invalidate()
+        # We do this here so we can get enter and leave events regardless
+        # of what happens
+        result = self.state.check_enter_leave(self.screen)
+        handle_result(result, self)
+    def mouse_move(self, event):
+        self.state.highlight_override = False
+        if not self.subwidgets:
+            self._mouse_move(event.pos)
+    def _mouse_move(self, pos):
+        self.state.highlight_override = False
+        self.state.current_scene.mouse_move(pos)
+        self.state.old_pos = pos
+    def show_message(self, message, style=None):
+        # Display the message as a modal dialog
+        MessageDialog(self.screen, message, 60, style=style).present()
+        # queue a redraw to show updated state
+        self.invalidate()
+        # The cursor could have gone anywhere
+        if self.subwidgets:
+            self.subwidgets[0]._mouse_move(mouse.get_pos())
+        else:
+            self._mouse_move(mouse.get_pos())
+    def show_detail(self, detail):
+        self.clear_detail()
+        detail_obj = self.state.set_current_detail(detail)
+        self.detail.set_image_rect(Rect((0, 0), detail_obj.get_detail_size()))
+        self.add_centered(self.detail)
+        self.state.do_enter_detail()
+    def clear_detail(self):
+        """Hide the detail view"""
+        if self.state.current_detail is not None:
+            self.remove(self.detail)
+            self.state.do_leave_detail()
+            self.state.set_current_detail(None)
+            self._mouse_move(mouse.get_pos())
+    def end_game(self):
+        self.screen.running = False
+        self.screen.shell.show_screen(self.screen.shell.end_screen)
+class DetailWindow(Widget):
+    def __init__(self, screen):
+        Widget.__init__(self)
+        self.image_rect = None
+        self.screen = screen
+        self.state = screen.state
+        self.border_width = 5
+        self.border_color = (0, 0, 0)
+        # parent only gets set when we get added to the scene
+        self.close = BoomButton('Close', self.close_but, screen)
+        self.add(self.close)
+    def close_but(self):
+        self.parent.clear_detail()
+    def end_game(self):
+        self.parent.end_game()
+    def set_image_rect(self, rect):
+        bw = self.border_width
+        self.image_rect = rect
+        self.image_rect.topleft = (bw, bw)
+        self.set_rect(rect.inflate(bw * 2, bw * 2))
+        self.close.rect.midbottom = rect.midbottom
+    def draw(self, surface):
+        scene_surface = self.get_root().surface.subsurface(self.parent.rect)
+        overlay = scene_surface.convert_alpha()
+        overlay.fill(Color(0, 0, 0, 191))
+        scene_surface.blit(overlay, (0, 0))
+        self.state.current_detail.draw(
+            surface.subsurface(self.image_rect), self)
+    def mouse_down(self, event):
+        self.mouse_move(event)
+        if event.button != 1:  # We have a right/middle click
+            self.state.cancel_doodah(self.screen)
+        else:
+            result = self.state.interact_detail(
+                self.global_to_local(event.pos))
+            handle_result(result, self)
+    def mouse_move(self, event):
+        self._mouse_move(event.pos)
+    def _mouse_move(self, pos):
+        self.state.highlight_override = False
+        self.state.current_detail.mouse_move(self.global_to_local(pos))
+    def show_message(self, message, style=None):
+        self.parent.show_message(message, style)
+        self.invalidate()
+class ToolBar(Row):
+    def __init__(self, items):
+        for item in items:
+            item.height = BUTTON_SIZE
+        Row.__init__(self, items, spacing=0, width=SCREEN[0])
+        self.bg_color = (31, 31, 31)
+    def draw(self, surface):
+        surface.fill(self.bg_color)
+        Row.draw(self, surface)
+class GameScreen(Screen, CursorWidget):
+    def __init__(self, shell):
+        CursorWidget.__init__(self, self)
+        Screen.__init__(self, shell)
+        self.running = False
+    def _clear_all(self):
+        for widget in self.subwidgets[:]:
+            self.remove(widget)
+    def start_game(self):
+        self._clear_all()
+        self.state = initial_state()
+        self.state_widget = StateWidget(self)
+        self.add(self.state_widget)
+        self.popup_menu = PopupMenu(self)
+        self.menubutton = PopupMenuButton('Menu',
+                action=self.popup_menu.show_menu)
+        self.handbutton = HandButton(action=self.hand_pressed)
+        self.inventory = InventoryView(self)
+        self.toolbar = ToolBar([
+                self.menubutton,
+                self.handbutton,
+                self.inventory,
+                ])
+        self.toolbar.bottomleft = self.bottomleft
+        self.add(self.toolbar)
+        self.running = True
+    def enter_screen(self):
+        CursorWidget.enter_screen(self)
+    def leave_screen(self):
+        CursorWidget.leave_screen(self)
+    # Albow uses magic method names (command + '_cmd'). Yay.
+    # Albow's search order means they need to be defined here, not in
+    # PopMenu, which is annoying.
+    def hide_cmd(self):
+        # This option does nothing, but the method needs to exist for albow
+        return
+    def main_menu_cmd(self):
+        self.shell.show_screen(self.shell.menu_screen)
+    def quit_cmd(self):
+        self.shell.quit()
+    def hand_pressed(self):
+        self.inventory.unselect()
+    def begin_frame(self):
+        if self.running:
+            self.state_widget.animate()