diff pyntnclick/widgets/__init__.py @ 704:506568326790 pyntnclick

Clean out a bunch of old, no longer needed cruft from the albow days
author Neil Muller <neil@dip.sun.ac.za>
date Sat, 04 Aug 2012 17:57:10 +0200
parents 2703924c8c70
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/pyntnclick/widgets/__init__.py	Sat Aug 04 15:36:13 2012 +0200
+++ b/pyntnclick/widgets/__init__.py	Sat Aug 04 17:57:10 2012 +0200
@@ -1,218 +1,4 @@
-# widgets.py
-# Copyright Boomslang team, 2010 (see COPYING File)
-# XXX: This should be deleted when albow is gone
-"""Custom Albow widgets"""
-import textwrap
-from pygame.color import Color
-from pygame.rect import Rect
-from pygame.draw import lines as draw_lines
-from pygame import mouse
-from pyntnclick.widgets.base import Widget
-# XXX: Need a way to get at the constants.
-from pyntnclick.constants import GameConstants
-BUTTON_SIZE = GameConstants().button_size
-# XXX: Needs a way to get at resource:
-from pyntnclick.resources import Resources
-get_image = Resources("Resources").get_image
-class BoomLabel(Widget):  # WAS: albow.controls.Label):
-    trim_line_top = 0
-    def __init__(self, text, width=None, **kwds):
-        albow.controls.Label.__init__(self, text, width, **kwds)
-        w, h = self.size
-        h -= self.trim_line_top * len(self.text.split('\n'))
-        self.size = (w, h)
-    def set_margin(self, margin):
-        """Add a set_margin method that recalculates the label size"""
-        old_margin = self.margin
-        w, h = self.size
-        d = margin - old_margin
-        self.margin = margin
-        self.size = (w + 2 * d, h + 2 * d)
-    def draw_all(self, surface):
-        bg_color = self.bg_color
-        self.bg_color = None
-        if bg_color is not None:
-            new_surface = surface.convert_alpha()
-            new_surface.fill(bg_color)
-            surface.blit(new_surface, surface.get_rect())
-        albow.controls.Label.draw_all(self, surface)
-        self._draw_all_no_bg(surface)
-        self.bg_color = bg_color
-    def _draw_all_no_bg(self, surface):
-        pass
-    def draw_with(self, surface, fg, _bg=None):
-        m = self.margin
-        align = self.align
-        width = surface.get_width()
-        y = m
-        lines = self.text.split("\n")
-        font = self.font
-        dy = font.get_linesize() - self.trim_line_top
-        for line in lines:
-            image = font.render(line, True, fg)
-            r = image.get_rect()
-            image = image.subsurface(r.clip(r.move(0, self.trim_line_top)))
-            r.top = y
-            if align == 'l':
-                r.left = m
-            elif align == 'r':
-                r.right = width - m
-            else:
-                r.centerx = width // 2
-            surface.blit(image, r)
-            y += dy
-class BoomButton(BoomLabel):
-    def __init__(self, text, action, screen):
-        super(BoomButton, self).__init__(text, font=get_font(20, 'Vera.ttf'),
-                margin=4)
-        self.bg_color = (0, 0, 0)
-        self._frame_color = Color(50, 50, 50)
-        self.action = action
-        self.screen = screen
-    def mouse_down(self, event):
-        self.action()
-        self.screen.state_widget.mouse_move(event)
-    def mouse_move(self, event):
-        self.screen.game.highlight_override = True
-    def draw(self, surface):
-        super(BoomButton, self).draw(surface)
-        r = surface.get_rect()
-        w = 2
-        top, bottom, left, right = r.top, r.bottom, r.left, r.right
-        draw_lines(surface, self._frame_color, False, [
-            (left, bottom), (left, top), (right - w, top), (right - w, bottom)
-            ], w)
-class MessageDialog(Widget):  # WAS: BoomLabel, CursorWidget):
+# __init__.py for the widgets
+# Copyright Boomslang team, 2010-2012 (see COPYING File)
-    def __init__(self, screen, text, wrap_width, style=None, **kwds):
-        CursorWidget.__init__(self, screen)
-        self.set_style(style)
-        paras = text.split("\n\n")
-        text = "\n".join([textwrap.fill(para, wrap_width) for para in paras])
-        BoomLabel.__init__(self, text, **kwds)
-    def set_style(self, style):
-        self.set_margin(5)
-        self.border_width = 1
-        self.border_color = (0, 0, 0)
-        self.bg_color = (127, 127, 127)
-        self.fg_color = (0, 0, 0)
-        if style == "JIM":
-            self.set(font=get_font(20, "Monospace.ttf"))
-            self.trim_line_top = 10
-            self.bg_color = Color(255, 175, 127, 191)
-            self.fg_color = (0, 0, 0)
-            self.border_color = (127, 15, 0)
-    def draw_all(self, surface):
-        root_surface = self.get_root().surface
-        overlay = root_surface.convert_alpha()
-        overlay.fill(Color(0, 0, 0, 191))
-        root_surface.blit(overlay, (0, 0))
-        BoomLabel.draw_all(self, surface)
-    def _draw_all_no_bg(self, surface):
-        CursorWidget.draw_all(self, surface)
-    def mouse_down(self, event):
-        self.dismiss()
-        self.screen.state_widget._mouse_move(mouse.get_pos())
-        for widget in self.screen.state_widget.subwidgets:
-            widget._mouse_move(mouse.get_pos())
-    def cursor_highlight(self):
-        return False
-class HandButton(Widget):  # WAS: albow.controls.Image):
-    """The fancy hand button for the widget"""
-    def __init__(self, action):
-        this_image = get_image('items', 'hand.png')
-        albow.controls.Image.__init__(self, image=this_image)
-        self.action = action
-        self.set_rect(Rect(0, 0, BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE))
-    def mouse_down(self, event):
-        self.action()
-class PopupMenuButton(Widget):  # WAS: albow.controls.Button):
-    def __init__(self, text, action):
-        albow.controls.Button.__init__(self, text, action)
-        self.font = get_font(16, 'Vera.ttf')
-        self.set_rect(Rect(0, 0, BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE))
-        self.margin = (BUTTON_SIZE - self.font.get_linesize()) / 2
-class PopupMenu(Widget):  # WAS: albow.menu.Menu, CursorWidget):
-    def __init__(self, screen):
-        CursorWidget.__init__(self, screen)
-        self.screen = screen
-        items = [
-                ('Quit Game', 'quit'),
-                ('Exit to Main Menu', 'main_menu'),
-                ]
-        # albow.menu.Menu ignores title string
-        albow.menu.Menu.__init__(self, None, items)
-        self.font = get_font(16, 'Vera.ttf')
-    def show_menu(self):
-        """Call present, with the correct position"""
-        item_height = self.font.get_linesize()
-        menu_top = 600 - (len(self.items) * item_height + BUTTON_SIZE)
-        item = self.present(self.shell, (0, menu_top))
-        if item > -1:
-            # A menu item needs to be invoked
-            self.invoke_item(item)
-class BoomImageButton(Widget):  # WAS: albow.controls.Image):
-    """The fancy image button for the screens"""
-    FOLDER = None
-    def __init__(self, filename, x, y, action, enable=None):
-        this_image = get_image(self.FOLDER, filename)
-        albow.controls.Image.__init__(self, image=this_image)
-        self.action = action
-        self.set_rect(Rect((x, y), this_image.get_size()))
-        self.enable = enable
-    def draw(self, surface):
-        if self.is_enabled():
-            surface.blit(self.get_image(), self.get_rect())
-    def mouse_down(self, event):
-        if self.is_enabled():
-            self.action()
-    def is_enabled(self):
-        if self.enable:
-            return self.enable()
-        return True
+"""pyntnclick widgets"""